Saturday, August 29, 2015

August 29

It comes around every year and every year I wonder if THIS year, I will be able to forget the date.  No.  I can't. I wish I could.

Eleven years have passed since my mother died and every year on this sad anniversary I remember her. It's not as if I don't think of her all the time but on this day, I feel her loss most keenly.  A few things came up this week and I really wish I could talk to her about them.  I have to console myself with trying to remember what she said about a particular problem and hope the information will help me.  I think if I listen, I will know.

I was thinking about a story she told me about witnessing a murder, after I witnessed an attempted murder on the street in front of my office and was totally freaked out.  She told me that when she was newly married, they lived in an apartment building and this couple lived below them.  They had been fighting loudly and violently all day.  It was night and my mom went down stairs to see if she could get them to stop.  Another neighbor, who had a young baby was at their door, pleading with the husband to stop, as she could not settle her baby to sleep.  Just then, the wife came to the door and stabbed her husband to death.  After the cops came and took the body away, one of the cops told my mother to clean up the blood in the hallway.  She complied.  It was a strange story and she never told it to me again and I never asked.  It wasn't a light-hearted story and I think the memory of the murder of someone she knew,at least in nodding acquaintance, haunted her in some way.

I am heading out to 29 Palms this morning to take care of Bobby for the day.  My daughter and my son-in-law are both working today and the person who had been their sitter is not available anymore so while she looks for a solution , I get G-ma time with Bobby.  I have not had to deal with a toddler - and yes he's toddling even if he is not quite a year- in a very long time.  I wonder if I can remember how.  I hope I don't screw up!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Three interesting topics.
    Well, having never had to care for a toddler all day, nor would I want to, and never having witnessed a murder, not coutning Perry Mason or all those film noirs, I can only comment on - December 11. Alas, alas, every detail of the day mother died is etched into my memory - even what I was wearing. For some years I used to use that as my floating holiday as I was really unfit to be around. I still think about it on the anniversary, but have somewhat come to terms, and have calmed down. And I still have to ask God to help me forgive the bitch librarian (as you can see, I'm not quite there yet) who REFUSED to let anyone come down to the Book Committee meeting on the first floor to tell me I had had an emergency message from home. I will never know if I could have gotten there in time to call 911...................or at least say goodbye. No, Robyn, these are never good days, but we learn to cope, and hold these loved ones in our memories.


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