Thursday, August 27, 2015

Letter to sixteen-year old me

There an ad campaign in which cancer survivors comment on what they would say to their sixteen year old selves. I do not have cancer or any life threatening illnesses ( life changing, yes, but I am coping) It got me wondering what I would tell me and I came up with this.

Dear Sixteen-year Old Me:

You are going to have an amazing life.  There will be some truly terrible and terrifying moments, but you are stronger than you know and braver than you think you are. With the love and the help of the wonderful friends you surround yourself with, you will get through all of it.  There will be more happiness than sorrow.  The bad times will help you realize who you are and what you want.  You will make a few HUGE mistakes, but they will teach you about compassion and love and will help you realize who your real friends are.  You will be fortunate in those friendships. Above all, remain a true and loyal friend.  Although it is something of a cliche, remember that courage is not the absence of fear.  It's being afraid and doing it anyway.  All of your life you will continue to seek your purpose, to create in some way. You will find some of that purpose in the work you choose to do and in volunteering. That's a good thing.  Life is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the ride. Happiness does not just fall from the sky, it is a choice you make every day, to be happy in what you have and what you are. In September of 2007, go out and see a band called "Evita Freaks".   They will change your life.

Love yourself.

57-year old You.


  1. Now you have got me thinking about what I would have written (or wouold write now withthe advantage of hindsight) because my life now is NOTHING at all like what I had imagined, nor my life at 26 (well, 24 or 25 maybe, by 26 the first major detour had occurred) or even a 36. I liked your letter and I may use it to write to myself. Even though I have never heard of Evita Freaks!


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