Sunday, August 16, 2015

America at Pershing Square.

I love the band, America.  The music makes me happy and I enjoy their shows.  SO when I heard they were doing a FREE gig locally in Pershing Square I got really JAZZED.  Unfortunately, I have recently been diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis and walking and standing were just too painful for me.  My husband is also disabled and cannot stand for long periods of time.  Imagine my delight upon winning VIP "observation deck" tickets to the show.  It qualified us for "early entry' and guaranteed seats.  UNFORTUNATELY this was NOT the good thing it seemed to be.

First.  They didn't even open the early gates until 7:15   LONG after the GA gates were open.  I asked the staff at Pershing, while we we stuck standing in line for a half an hour for  "ADA accommodations" for my husband who cannot stand for more than a few minutes ( I would have brought my own chair, but remember we had guaranteed seats???)  Her response was that he should lean against the wall. THIS is not an appropriate response, and I will be emailing them to talk with staff about how to accommodate patrons who may need additional help.  Second, the "observation deck" was WAYYYYY at the BACK of the house.  The GA seats were closer, so we picked a spot on the retaining wall and sat there.  HAD I KNOWN THIS, I would have brought my own chairs and scored a prime spot up front and sat comfortably.  The Radio station the sponsored the event had not been one of my favorite lately.  The took a wonderful DJ who played good music interspersed with interesting tidbits of musical knowledge and humor and replaced him with a frat boy who guffaws at his own jokes.  I don't have a drive-time dj anymore.  The arrogance of the whole "Mark in the Morning" thing left a bad taste in my mouth that was not abated by THIS. I was not the only one who had complaints and the people giving away paper fans at their booth could not have cared less.

The opening band was the Freddy Jones Band, a pleasant, if boring band who seemed to engage the close up crowd ( did I mention that there WERE VIP seats right below the stage?  THOSE people were cheering like mad)   I did not hate them, but I was not impressed enough to go out and look into their music, as is so often the case with an America opener ( Cindy Alexander, Berkley Hart and Jeff Larson!!!!)

I was happy when the band opened to strains of "Miniature" which always begins the set. The sound was MUCH better than it has been in the past.  Gerry mentioned the presence of legendary sound engineer Geoff Emerick which probably contributed a great deal to the quality of the sound.  The band was playful and filled with energy.  While waiting in line, I was discussing the probable setlist with another concertgoer, who insisted they would do "Muskrat Love"  a song that has mercifully been archived. They did not play it. I was also relieved not to have to endure "The Last Unicorn"  They added one of my favorite songs "Green Monkey"  a rocker from the Hat Trick album which holds a special place in my heart.  The song is the one I blasted, years ago when I was traveling alone in the Bay area and Mapquest  neglected to tell me that I would be traveling over a bridge.  On the water. The San Mateo sits ON THE WATER. I am a bit bridge-phobic.   I fliped to that song on my cd and floored it.   Also, at one point, when driving with my daughter, I was playing the CD and I said to her, "Sorry I have to turn this up"  she glared at me, then it came on.  she said "oh it's THAT ONE"  and leaned over and cranked up the volume.   Andy Barr was on fire last night and it was a pleasure to see him settling in to the guitar/keys/ vocals role.  I just wish he'd lose the stupid porkpie hat.

I bought the new CD, "Lost and Found" and will be giving it a serious listen before saying anything about it.  It will be a while, as I am in the middle of a Lizzie and Diesel book on CD and I need to finish it first ( there are holds on it)  It was nice to speak with both Brynna and Glynnis Campbell, two sweet and classy ladies. The America organization is lucky to have them as part of their group. I was disappointed that Brynna wasn't onstage with them for HWNN, it's always fun to see her play.

It was a beautiful warm night in the park.  I must say, however, the bar left a lot to be desired.  They did NOT have either of my favorite call whiskeys-  ALL YOU HAVE IS JACK DANIELS?? Seriously????  I wound up getting Chivas, but I missed the oak-y bite of Bushmills.  The food trucks were packed and kind of icky. I did get a shaved ice which Chris and I shared.  They need to have trucks that have stuff ready to go or just bagged snacks. Just my two cents.

I will try to see America again before the year is out, depending on the usual factors of time and money and my continuing health challenges. Yesterday, I was able to walk around without my cane, today I am suffering for it.  Pain killers are my new best friend.

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