Friday, August 14, 2015

A week's worth of something

I realize that I have not been writing and I am disappointed in myself.  How can I improve my craft, if I don't practice?   I write to release whatever is inside my head and right now, stuff is building up so here goes;

On Monday I had cortisone shots in both knees to help alleviate  the pain of osteoarthritis which has become unbearable.  I feel like such a wuss, but it hurts.  I wonder about my pain tolerance and sometimes feel like I have to buck up and just grit my teeth and GO.  I don't LIKE taking meds for pain.  The shots were not the cure all I had hoped, but I am managing.  I have to walk from the parking structure on 4th and Olive to my office on Fifth and Flower every day.  It is ( and I know this sounds like a joke) uphill both ways.  Seriously.  You go down Olive and then back up Fifth Street.  The walk at the end of the day is worse.  You are tired and the hill is killer.  But someone told me "motion is lotion" so I keep going.  On a brighter note, I had lost six pounds since I last saw my doctor, so THAT made me feel better!  I am uncomfortable with my weight and need to lose quite a bit to feel better.  I am sticking to the simple plan of eating less and exercising more, although I have NOT been on the bike in a bit.  I'm tired.  Pain wears you out and I am zapped by the time I get home.  Hopefully, I will find my energy again. This weekend should be fun!

Tonight I am meeting friends at Pershing Square to see "Guardians of the Galaxy" a fun sci-fi film that is a favorite of one of my friends. it should be a nice night in the park and I love the idea of watching a movie outdoors.  I hope they sell popcorn!  I saw a movie there last summer, but it was poorly attended.  This should bring a bigger crowd, I think.

TOMORROW!  I get to see my favorite band in the world, America, at a free show in Pershing Square.  I WON seats!!!!! it's a free show, but given our mobility issues, I had serious reservations about going and dealing with the crowd.  Thanks to my local radio station, I WON a pair of seats in the VIP section.  I am really looking forward to seeing "my boys"  I have to laugh, the "boys" are in their 60's.  I hope they are selling the new CD tomorrow. I keep meaning to get it, but forget to order it. I promise, if they don't have a merch table, I will be buying it online this weekend.  I am unashamed of my fan-girl love for this band- the music makes me happy.   The band is fun to watch and they have a new drummer who is a nice kid.  I wonder if the third guitar player, Bill Worrell is doing better, probably still healing.  When we saw them in July, Andy Barr who used to play with a local band I liked, had stepped in to take over the duties. Andy is a nice kid too.  It should be a fun night.  I am looking forward to having a "date" with my husband, grab some dinner beforehand in Chinatown maybe....

Work has been especially crazy this week, I have no idea why.  So much junk going on out in the branches.  I feel terrible for my folks out there and do my best to take care of the emergencies while taking care of the mundane AND working on necessary projects.  I need to be three people.  To say I am looking forward to some downtime is obvious.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I did comment once already, but your cranky comments acceptor rejected me or threw me out into the ethostream or something!
    As nearly as I can recall at my advanced age, I believe I said something to the effect that you may think you are doing nothing, but your list would have overwhelmed me. I wrote on Thursday when all I had to do was go sub for THRE hurs only at a nice out-of-the-way branch in Glendale, and them the long list of (only) four errands almsot made me decide just to drive the 10 or 12 minutes home to do nothing - all I had to do was stop at the ATM (oh, the horror, the horror!) pick up a prescription, pick up a take-out salad at Islands,and buy some few things - and here I was exhausted. I will say that even at 4 p.m. traffic makes everything seem more daunting.
    Robyn, you are out and about on a veritable social whirlwind - although, I will say, I'd rather see the Supremes again than America, although what with Flo being dead, that probably isn't going to happen. BUT, HEY! You are going out and enjoying yourself! YAY! You are my new inspiration - if youo can lost that pesky six pounds, so should I be able to. And LORD knows, I need to lose more than that.........fight on, Baby! We need to emulate you.


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