Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Thinking about McGroarty Arts Center. Again.

It's been a while since I wrote anything.  It's hard to get back into the swing of things and I am often distracted by mindless games on Facebook.  It's bad and I know I need to write more and play less.  Writing has always been my solace and my sanity.  Putting pen to paper, or in this case fingers to keyboards, has always been my joy.  I have been stressed and busy and not making time for the one thing that helps.   So often in this world we get bogged down by the day to day and forget to pursue art that will help us to relax and become whole again.  Schools in particular are forgetting to give our children the time they need to create.  It's all about test taking and qualifying.  So much of the creative arts have been removed from daily life.  When we create, we connect.   I suppose that is why I am fighting so hard to "Save" McGroarty Arts Center.   It needs saving.  for one reason or another- and it's many things that happened, not just one incident or one person- the Center is floundering.  We are trying to reach three thousand people who will donate at least ten dollars each.   It's a simple idea.  I feel bad about constantly asking my friends to donate and they do when I ask but I think that I am ALWAYS asking.  I wish I could do more, but my time and my funds are limited.  It weighs on me, that we see a decline in teaching children that art and science or art and math are partners in creating balance in our lives.

McGroarty is having their annual Holiday Boutique and Chili Bowl sale the weekend of December 5-6.  I will be baking up a storm and making chili.  On Sunday the 6th I will be hosting a cookie decorating booth- my good friend Willow and I are personally baking the cookies for decorating,  Edible art!

I hope we can save the Center.  I try not to think about a Tujunga without it.  It is a real possibility however,but if it happens it won't be for lack of trying on my part,

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