Friday, November 6, 2015


This is a blog I don't want to write.  I had intended to write a light frothy piece about the new Peanuts Movie, and I still will do that, probably tomorrow.  But last night I got a text from a friend that broke my heart.

My friend, Evita, is more than a friend; she's really like a sister.  After all, it was her sweet voice that brought me to my husband Chris.  They were in a band together.  They had been childhood friends and were playing together.  I discovered them via the old My Space site, back when it was a way for bands to get their music out there.  I loved her powerful voice and went to see the band.  The rest, as they say, is history.

Evita has two children, the beautiful, smart, fierce Glo and Tito, who is blind and severely autistic.  I think Tito is 18 but  I would put his emotional age around one, maybe two.  He was always full of giggles and hugs when I used to see him on a regular basis.  As he grew into a teenager he became more difficult and the decision was made to place him in a home where he could get the care he needed that she could no longer provide for him.  It was an emotional decision, but the right one for Tito  and he adapted and seemed happy.  Evita visited him as much as she could.

Yesterday, Evita texted me that Tito has a large tumor on his leg and the cancer has spread. It is terminal.  It is hard to know what to say in that instance and anything I said seemed trite and hollow.  She said something that hit me in the stomach like a physical blow. She said "I need to start setting money aside for a funeral."  She is a single mother and Tito's father is not anywhere in the picture anymore  ( for good reason and she has done a fine job raising here children without him)  Chris and I have offered what help we can give.

Over the next few days, we will be creating a Go-Fund me to help her with whatever expenses come her way as she faces what no parent should have to face.  We always knew Tito's time here would be brief, but knowing it in your head and facing it are two different things.  I have been asking my friends to donate money a lot these days and I hate doing that .  My hope is that we can create a go-fund me that will go viral and she will be able to raise the funds she will need in this horrible time.

Send up a prayer or some love and light to my Sister-from-another Mister.   I cannot begin to imagine what she and here family are going through right now.

1 comment:

  1. Evita my heart goes out to you and your family. I remember meeting them through you, Robyn, many moons ago, and was inspired by their cheerful spirit through any hardship. Sending prayers.


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