Friday, September 30, 2016

More election thoughts

As more people I consider to be logical , reasonable, thoughtful people tell me they are voting against Hillary" because they can't stand her"  I have been thinking about elections.

I am afraid of a world where a person like Donald J. Trump is the representative of this GREAT country.   America is ALREADY GREAT.  He is taping into your base  fears and prejudices, lying and having you believe Barrack Obama is the Antichrist and he has cloven hooves where his feet should be ( thank goodness for the National Enquirer and People magazine for all those beach photos!)

Trump is a liar and a con man.  He is playing out the biggest con of all.  My ONLY hope is that the Republican Party will see this latest crime-that of BREAKING THE TRADE EMBARGO  with Cuba during the BUSH administration ( so he can't even claim it was an anti Obama move) will qualify him for indictment NOT the Presidency.  Seriously, I am afraid of a world where the wealthiest pay NO taxes and rub it in the faces of us poor stupid schlubs who actually believe it's our moral duty to pay our fair share.  Does anyone believe in their heart of hearts that the recipients of large tax breaks will actually SHARE the wealth with the worker bees who help them earn it?  If you do, I have a nice Bridge in Brooklyn you might want to purchase.  Gee, following his logic, maybe we should eliminate ALL income tax, because as you KNOW, the rich will pay their share automatically and everything will be fine.  The shrinking middle class is barely hanging on.  Expect YOUR taxes to get larger and soon you too will be on the poverty line.

There's a line from a song "They sell us the President the same way they sell us our cloths and our cars"  This is NOT, despite the way Trump is running his campaign, a Beauty Pageant. His "hard hits" on Hillary include insults to her looks and her health.   The fact is, she IS smarter than he ever was in the world of diplomacy.  Trump thinks- and he said this in the debate- that we just should have TAKEN the oil from the Middle East , then there would have been no ISIS.  Uh... Want to really piss someone off?  STEAL from them.  Of course I don't believe Trump knows the difference between making an honest deal with someone and ripping them off.  Whatever works to get it in his pocket.  People with young sons and daughters should be afraid that this man will get us into a global war.  I know I am afraid and it's no way to live.

Bernie Sanders is right in continually saying this is not time for a protest vote.  We MUST defeat the Orange Menace, for the sake of all we believe.  Take a look at what both parties are proposing, see what aligns with your core belief and vote.

Trump scares me.

1 comment:

  1. I am afraid that many epoeple cannot get past whatever perceived baggage Hillary is supposed to have, and will vote for The Donald in protest. Just like a husband of a FORMER friend who voted for Ralph Nader and was then shocked that Bush became president. The election is not a rue thing, not a slam dunk, etc. And yes, it is scary!


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