Wednesday, October 5, 2016

This is going to be hard to write

All the news about Kim Kardashian and her getting robbed at gunpoint have dredged up something I rarely talk about.  On May 19, 1978, I was a nineteen year old newlywed and came home from school to start what I thought would be a weekend of finishing several term papers.  I liked to get all my documentation together then do a massive "write", as I work best with a deadline.

Didn't happen.

Instead, I was followed home by three guys who kicked in the door to our apartment and tied me up, loaded a shotgun and put it to the base of my neck.  My then-husband was a gun collector of sorts and they knew all about what he had.  They ransacked the place and then began to touch me as a prelude to sexual assault.  I cried and told them I was pregnant ( I wasn't) and begged them not to hurt my baby.  For whatever reason, maybe the angels I cried out to , maybe my grandmother, whose presence I felt in the room, what ever it was , they left me alone.  I was lucky.  Turns out these guys would rob and rape. The cops who interviewed me after some of my things were recovered said it was the best thing he ever read in a police report.  It did change and probably ruin my marriage, as my ex-husband never believed me, and always threw the incident into my face as if I had been and I deserved what happened to me if I had.  I won't go into what happened between us that night, but suffice it to say, I never looked at him with the same eyes after what he did.

I see the horrible things being posted about Kim K.  I am not a big fan of hers, but no one deserves the crap being said about her.  As to it being a "publicity stunt"?  I don't think she is dumb enough to commit a crime by filing a false police report to get attention to her latest project.  Call her what you will, but the girl has serious marketing skills.

So, Kim, although you won't read this, I will tell you what I learned and what I told myself every time I replayed it in my head and all those sleepless nights when I tried to deal with what had happened to me.  You did the right thing.  Whatever you did to get out of the situation alive was EXACTLY the thing you should have done.  If you had done anything different, you may not have come out alive.  It's something victims need to hear.  You would be surprised at how many "Monday Morning Quarterbacks" told me I should have done this or that.  They were wrong.

I lived.


  1. Well, sorry to border on the cliche, but I cannot help but think of the (literally) proverbial "Boy Who Cried Wolf." I personally believe it is all a publicity stunt. BUT - let us assume it really happened. Perhaps the reason she is getting the negative attention is that it is, alas, her. She, and her family, have pulled so many crazy ass bids for attention, that if something has actually happened to her now, it is hard to take it seriously. This is not in any way to belittle what happened to you, I hope you know that, but with her - many ways, it sounds just like the latest in a long line of bids for attention.

  2. I don't think she's THAT stupid, filing a false police report or staging a robbery is illegal and guaranteed to get her kicked off of the Paris Fashion week A-list. She could have garnered as much publicity standing on her balcony with her top off.


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