Wednesday, October 26, 2016

October 26, 1896

This morning I woke up with the realization that I have been doing THIS job for 30 years.  Not working for the Library ( off and on for 36)  or working for the City of LA (40 last July) but THIS JOB, Branch Facilities Manager.  My sister would say it's because I don't like change and maybe that's so.  My original intent was to work 5 years, get budget experience and move on, maybe to the CAO's office.  Didn't happen.  First of all I never got to work on the budget, and I suppose I should be thankful as working with numbers is a nightmare for a dyslexic like me ; and secondly every time I thought about looking for another job, something happened. I had a baby.  We had two earthquakes that destroyed branches and we had tow successful bond issues to help rebuild them.  The construction projects were a lot of fun and we brought BOTH in "on time and under budget"  Most of the time, I like what I do and I will say that I love my "peeps" out in the branches and see it as my mission to make sure that their working conditions are the best they can be.  Some of them drive me absolutely around the bend, because they don't think logically. Someone once told em that "Common sense is a curse, not a blessing because you have to work with people who don't have it"  True dat.

So today I am bringing in some goodies for my co-workers to mark the occasion.   I was going to bake, but the stomach thing is back with both barrels and I am so tired from it, all I have wanted to do for the past tow days is SLEEP.  GRRR. I have things to DO when I get home, but I collapse on the couch after the drive home during which I fight the exhaustion.  I am going BACK to the original dosage and hope it will stabilize.  I'm losing weight, which I need to do, but not like this!

February 2020 looks like the date I might be aiming for!

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