Saturday, October 22, 2016

Election Cycle

Why I am voting for Hillary Clinton

I am voting for Hillary.  I feel she is the best candidate for the job.  She has the experience and the temperament  for the job.  She understands diplomacy and can find Europe on the  map ( just kidding with that one)  She's smart and well spoken.I have read the Democratic and Republican Platforms.  I am horrified by the STATED objective of the Republicans to appoint Supreme Court Justices who will be asked to overturn Roe v. Wade and the Marriage Equality Act.  That alone is enough for me to vote Democrat. but that is not all.

The Orange Menace.

I have been following politics since 1968, when Bobby Kennedy was killed here in Los Angeles.  I haven't always LIKED the candidates (I still find Nixon's slogan "Nixon's the one" to be ironic), but I have never been as frightened by a candidate as I am of Donald J. Trump.  He started his campaign , smearing Mexican immigrants ( even if he was talking about the undocumented ones, I think he was really talking about how he felt about Hispanics period.  His promise to "build a wall" is a rallying cry , but I get the feeling it's an empty threat.  Trump does not understand the workings of Government.He asks Hillary why SHE didn't change the tax structure and promises that HE ALONE can make the changes we need in this country.  I wonder if he slept through Government class in 12th grade.  Doe he not understand the three branches of government with checks and balances, as the founders of this country created them?I wonder if he can name all three ( Executive, Legislative and Judicial, thank you very much)    Does he not understand that Congress -the MAJORITY of them, not just one lone senator, are the ones who create our laws.  Maybe someone should send him a copy of the Schoolhouse Rock video "I'm just a bill"  I believe in the next few weeks he is going to do something worse than the things he said in his final debate when he basically said if he didn't win he was going to start a revolution.  I think he is in over his head and is trying to NOT be elected, that he doesn't really want the job but he is beginning to set up his claims that the whole system is rigged against him, because he is is trying to get out of it with his "brand" still in tact.   His followers are scary.  I saw the picture of the guy holding the gun at the television , asking Trump to give him the word and he would shoot Hillary.  Only fascist KILL their opponents or throw them in jail. I wonder if he realizes that he cannot dictate to or control a "special prosecutor", that's what got Nixon in so much trouble with Watergate. If you are considering voting for Trump simply because you don't like Hillary, try this: If you are voting for Trump because he "speaks his mind" put HIS words in Hillary's mouth and see if you would vote for HER based on the words alone. He is running on being a "political outsider"  but the reality is, he is a political neophyte who has not done his homework on what the job is   He thinks he is running for CEO.  His BIG threat is about how Hillary is going to repeal the Second Amendment.  Uh.. READ THE CONSTITUTION or have one of your surrogates explain it to you in words you can understand, Donald.  The PRESIDENT does not have the power to change Amendments, that comes from Congress.  But under-educated people will believe any soundbite that comes down the Internet and Trump is counting on them to vote.  You really need to ask yourself if a man who can be baited by a tweet, who will storm out of interviews where they ask questions he does not want to answer and uses threats of lawsuits as a means of control is  the person you really want with his finger on the launch codes.  Anyone who thinks Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un are ROLE MODELS should NOT be leading a republic (we are a republic, not a democracy and I wonder if he knows THAT !)

My fear is that people will assume that their vote does not count as they are predicting a landslide for Hillary.  We ALL need to go out and vote.  I will be proudly casting my vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton.

1 comment:

  1. I only know one person who is voting for Trump. Well, really voting against Hillary, and always votes all Republican, but still only the one. Am I living in a vacuum? A bubble? I have yet to see ONE yard sign, bumper sticker or button, and in fact, cannot even find the Republican headquarters here in Pasadena (traditionally a Republican bastion) So where are they - because obviously they are out there. His latest (well, that was Thursday evening, so probably not the latest) "escapade" was at the Al Smith fndraising dinner. I do have to say, in fairness, Melania did not look like a hooker for once, and actually genuflected to the cardinal, but he started his "roast," and then proceeded to trash Hillary until he got boos and hisses from the white tie audience. Even the cardinal in charge made a few admonishing remarks about his "jibes" afterwards. I had lunch with a former LAPL colleague yesterday and we semi-seriously talked about moving to London for at least five years. Or maybe British Columbia. I think I could take Sparky there.


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