Friday, October 14, 2016

Trust and faith

Had a few late night conversations lately that  have me pondering the questions of trust and faith.  If your partner cheats on you, how do you forgive them?  I know for me, it was always my line in the sand, "you go there- keep going"  If you have broken my trust by breaking our vows, I can never trust you again.  Some people can work it out and more power to them. It takes a powerful amount of love and forgiveness to move forward in a relationship where trust had been shattered.  I always believed that you get out of one relationship before you get into another, and while I got into a relationship rather quickly after I left my ex ( who was serially cheating on me, I kept finding letters to various women on the computer and they all said the same thing " I know now that I love you"except he said that to a few of them in rapid succession) I did not leave him for another man.  He had broken my trust and that was that.  People criticize Hillary Clinton for staying with Bill after his well publicized affair with Monica and whatever else happened.  I say this, if they were able to work it out, more power to them,  In something like this, BOTH parties have to move forward together and be sure it is what they both want.  It's hard, either way, but relationships ARE hard work most of the time.  I am blessed with Chris.  We talk all the time and that is what keeps us going forward together.  That and I am crazy about him!

Faith is a tricky thing.  I am not talking about belief in a deity, although my belief in a Higher Power has kept me somewhat sane.  It works for me, although I understand if you don't.  As long as you don't go around harming people, I'm good with you.  I have a good friend who is going through the most horrific year.  She has an incredible faith but she is faltering.  Every time there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel, someone or something slams the door.  It's hard to keep believing everything is going to work out when that happens.  If you are reading this, send a bit of positive energy her way.  She could use it today, especially.  We lean on our faith in hard times, but I am trying to remember to be grateful in good times. To count my blessings and not to count what I do not have- yet.  Everything in it's time, and if it is meant to be, it will be.


  1. Thank God I kept reading, as initially I thought OMG! Chris is cheating! HA - because NO WAY!
    Don't scare me like that.

  2. Sorry! Maybe I should edit this so as not to freak people out!

  3. It's fine the way it is, your friends are a) readers and b) know Chris. :-)

  4. NOT about Chris, just general conversations about things that have me being philosophical.


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