Friday, May 12, 2017

I can't avoid talking about #45

I am going to stop asking aloud just how STUPID  Donald Trump can be.  Perhaps we should ALL stop asking that.  He seems to think it's some sort of "Challenge"

Presented for your contemplation:

He hires a law firm to categorically deny he has ANY ties to Russia and to state that his returns will bear this out. Problem One. The law firm has DEEP financial ties to Russia.    Problem Two  No returns were included for viewing when the statement was released.  Call me skeptical, but unless the returns are presented  BY the IRS and VERIFIED BY the IRS  anything he might pull out of the vault is well, suspicious in my book.

He invites a cadre of Russians to meet with him in the Oval Office, including one whom the State Department suspects is a spy.  NO American media is allowed, and Trump and his people seem SHOCKED  SHOCKED I tell you, when the Russian media splashed pictures everywhere.  He tired to deny meeting with the guy who is FEATURED in the photos.  Still shouting "FAKE NEWS" Donald?

He fires the head of the FBI, by proxy; sending his goon uh bodyguard to deliver the message.  A little too Godfatherish?  Where is the protocol? Oh yeah on "The Apprentice" that's how they did this.  Isn't this still my game show?

He fires Comey a day after he asks for additional resources to investigate the Russian interference; THEN claims he was told to do it by Jeff Sessions , who had recused himself and had no real say in the matter if recused means what I think it means.  Apparently Jeff Sessions has a different dictionary than I do.

He goes on the Nightly News with Lester Holt and ADMITS he fired Comey before he got the "recommendations".  People know he did it NOT because of the handling of the Hillary emails, which he has praised as a brave thing to do and credits it with assisting his "great Victory"

Trump had gone on record as saying the Constitution makes us look "weak"  THIS Living document, which he SWORE to uphold when he took the oath of office. I wonder if that fancy prep school Daddy sent him to actually covered history and the Constitution.  If it did, I'm sure teen aged Donny was busy trying to figure out how to get in a girl's knickers and not paying much attention.

I've got one more thing he might not know about; vocabulary.  While the man famously can't string two words together without tripping over them, I am concerned he never learned this word:

  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

For as sure as I am sitting here, that man has been in bed with the Russians in more ways than one.  His party minions, on whom he must have some dirt, are circling the wagons and going so far as to publicly proclaim they will obstruct any effort to investigate.  Really?  These are the same folks who spent HOW MUCH investigating Hillary Clinton and Benghazi, Benghazi Benghazi for nothing.  You would think that they would WANT to CLEAR him with an independent investigation.   

This just looks like they are hiding something.

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