Friday, May 12, 2017

Me so far

I sit here with the mask from the home nebulizer AKA "My little Friend"  strapped to my nose and mouth.  I am getting used to breathing "normally",while the steam or whatever the heck the solution turns into goes into my lungs.

Getting old is a bitch.

The pneumonia is gone and I see my pulmonologist today for clearance for takeoff.

This means I can go back to work on Monday.

Oh yeah and have the surgery to remove the lumps from my right breast on Friday.

A month or so ago, my only concern was my knees.  I have severe osteoarthritis in BOTH knees and am working to get stronger so I can have them replaced.    THAT has become SO back-burner, I don't even think about it.

Well. I am ready to go back to work, even if I DO get tired.  I can go back to work slowly and not kill myself but I really need to get back into a routine and OUT of the house.  I have left the house for small runs, but mostly I go to the doctor.  I am tired of Kaiser.

I need to stop whining.  The lumpectomy will go fine, they will find nothing and I can get back to being me.  I need to find my energy. I seem to have misplaced it.  You know, when you reach down to get the energy to do something and it's just not there?  Baby steps

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