Tuesday, May 16, 2017


I am sitting here with my breathing treatment, Wondering if THIS is now part of my daily regimen for the rest of my life.  I hope not.  I hope this is just until my raging asthma is controlled,  It is worrisome.

I got my surgery date.   June 12.  I am ready. This allows me to plan to do a few things before the surgery, no more waiting and wondering if I am going to be available for this or that.  I am done with this.  I am pleased to be able to go and see the play my friend and former co-worker Henry Ong is showing  called "a dream of the Red Chamber"  a six hour play!  FUN!!!!  I love Henry and his work is intricate and humorous, just like Henry himself. I made my reservations to see it, so I am now in the process of planning the PICNIC I will be taking.   You know me, it's all about food.

I need to get my tail in gear and go to vote BEFORE I go to work  This is a local election for a council seat that was vacated by someone who got a better offer and bailed on his commitment to the community.  Shameful.  The race itself devolved to nastiness.  I will NOT be voting for Monica Rodriguez for the following reasons:

Robocalls from Raul Bocanegra.  He's cut from the same cloth as the guy who bailed and I wouldn't believe him if he told me today is Tuesday

NASTY and I mean evil posts by her supporters about local activists were gone unanswered or apologized for.  When one of your "supporters" calls local women "Hos" and you say NOTHING, that shows me that you are willing to do anything to get elected.

NASTY mailers.  I am sick of the innuendo.

A LOT and I do mean a LOT of money is being thrown at this election.  I cannot think but the people who want to push the high-speed train through this community are somehow behind Monica.  She's for it and that alone loses me.  

I vote every election. I am involved in a small way in my community, not so much since I started having health issues last year and things got a bit dicey. It is even MORE important to vote on local issues than on National ones.  THESE are the things that will MOST impact your life.  Turnout is going to be slim, I fear.   I was going to work the polls, but am glad I stepped away as I am NOT 100% yet and I don't think I would have done anyone any good today.  Still Chris and I are proudly casting our ballots and I HOPE for a victory for Karo.  He was not my choice in the primary, I voted for someone whose pitch I liked but had a proverbial "Snowball's Chance" to win.  There were over 20 candidates so a runoff was pretty much in the cards anyway.  Whoever wins, it's gonna get "interesting" up here, as it often does.  I think of Tujunga as a small town, nestled in a larger one.  We sometimes forget we are part of the City of LA, I think.  

We'll see what happens

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