Friday, August 25, 2017

Attitude of Gratitude 2017

I had a dream last night that really brought home my need to work on my "attitude of gratitude" I need to let go of anger at certain unchangeable situations that I am letting impact me. I will work on remembering that although someone seems to always get what they want, they confessed that they are STILL unhappy. It made me laugh and have a bit of schadenfreude when they told me that. I need to look at what I HAVE and realize that being vengeful or jealous is blocking my path to what I want. I read something that said believing "prosperity is just around the corner" will always KEEP it around the corner. So. Hmmm. I need to practice thinking " I have abundance. I have what I need to get what and where I want to be"

I AM grateful for:

My husband. I am lucky to have found someone who loves me for ME and does not want to change the fundamental core of who I am. I had someone in my life who thought I would suddenly morph into a willowy blond who was obedient as a golden retriever. MY husband's physical presence is more calming to me than ativan.

My children. Sure both of them drive me to distraction and we often misunderstand what is being said but I love them just the same. Both of them are working hard to get things right, for all of us.

Bobby. If I have to explain THAT, you haven't been paying attention.

My doctors. I am still having trouble, but yesterday's physical therapy gave me hope. The new meds seem to be helping a bit. I go back to the allergist on Monday and I am really going to talk to him to see what is causing ONE of the problems that is making me cough so much. I think it's an allergy.

My "peeps" at work. I am most fortunate to have found a job that suits me. My former boss said once that I really tailored the job to my personality. I guess I did. I really love and care about my folks out there who are on the front-lines of public service. It's not all sunshine and roses and if I can help them have a better day in some small way, then I am content. I always wanted a job that "made a difference" This one does and I an truly blessed to be able to do it. Sure sometimes it drives me CRAZY, and some conditions are not ideal, but I am hanging on.

So as I go about my day today, I will try to remember NOT to be angry about things that are and are out of my hands. The practice of "Let go and Let God" or the universe, which are sort of interchangeable in my mind will be my mantra, Accept things I cannot change but change things I cannot accept, where possible. I will gather my circle of positive things around me to lift me up.


  1. Good for you! Attitude can change a lot of things. Sort of a cliche, but so true.

  2. I agree with Tom, well, no surprise there, I suppose. A healthier outlook will MAKE you healthier. Along with a little extra Vitamin C :-)


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