Wednesday, August 23, 2017

My voice

As a by-product of the pneumonia, and a few other things, I have pretty much lost my voice.  I am frustrated with the medical efforts to get me to stop coughing and my larynx to stop spasming. I have not had a "I can't breathe" episode in a while, so maybe, just maybe,I am healing.  It's slow and frustrating.  The thing is, this week, a lot of people have taken the trouble to point out that I  "sound like shit"  REALLY?  I never noticed.  I miss my voice.  I miss the ability to sing.  If you know me, you know I am always singing.  It's my stress reliever.  Now I can't do that at all.  Yesterday , at work, after three people made "helpful" comments, pointing out how bad I sounded, I fled to the bathroom to cry.   I have great doctors and therapists who are working to get me back to normal, but the process is slow. I am frustrated.  Please, if you feel like saying anything at all to me, be encouraging.   Don't be Captain Obvious.  I know I sound bad.  I miss my voice and I am working to get it back.  Say you are praying for me.  Tell me you hope I get better.  Don't tell me, as one helpful soul did, that I sound like shit and what am I doing at work?  I'm trying to be "normal" and being around my work colleagues usually helps.  Except when it doesn't.

1 comment:

  1. Another reason I am glad I am retired from LAPL - do they go out of their way to hire social retards?


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