Friday, August 18, 2017


I've been sleeping poorly for the last week or so, so much so that I am afraid of falling asleep during mid-afternoon meetings.   Lately I have been having nightmares.   Last night I was trapped in a Nordstroms.  Every time I would try to get to the elevator, these women, dripping in furs and jewels, would shove me out of the way. I was late for work, and trying to call my boss to confirm my schedule.  In the dream I was working in a branch library with the boss from Hell, a job I held for eighteen months that I STILL refer to as "time off from Purgatory"  I could not find my car in the parking lot.  Ok, I know as nightmares go, it does not measure up to the Sam Peckinpah worthy nightmares that were induced by Ambien.  As I lay in bed, wondering if I should TRY to go back to sleep or if I would fall BACK into the same nightmare, I tried to determine the root cause.   It COULD be the new meds I just started, which both my pulmonolgist and my allergist SWEAR will quell the horrible cough. If could be that work itself is overwhelming.  I am working hard as I was off for a long time and although my colleague did a LOT of the heavy lifting, there is a lot of catch-up for me right now.  It could be the news.  I would like to stop seeing the news. Every day , Lord Cheeto does something that shows me just how unfit he is to run this country  The thing that REALLY scares me is the article I read that says that his base still thinks he's doing a good job.  He DID say he could shoot someone in Time Square and not lose voters, He knows his audience, doesn't he.  I wonder what his fans will say when he encourages Nazi and white supremacist behavior. I have a high school chum who is Hispanic and a HUGE Trumpster.  I wonder if he will still support Trump when they start profiling HIM

As for me, I watch and I listen. I hope I have the courage to join my fellow humans who live in this country and say ENOUGH and rise up for change.  I see Steve Bannon is gleefully anticipating the Revolution.  It's probably NOT going to be what he thinks it is.

1 comment:

  1. And I was in the Arcadia Nordy's this afternoon.
    Perhaps this is a sign from Our Lord that you should be out there shopping for new pumps and frocks?
    Just trying to put a positive spin on things here...................
    I do have a questions about bad dreams, though. How come it is that when I am in a good dream - like just about to accept the Oscar (YES, I have that dream repeatedly!) get married to the love of my life, or even just start canoodling with the love of my life - then I wake up and cannot go back to that dream. BUT, if it is a dream of snakes, being confined or chased, then I seem to drop right back into it. THAT is usually fever or drug induced.
    Not fair!
    As far as Cheetoh Head, man, I am right there with you.


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