Thursday, October 12, 2017

A war at home.

I really DO believe the Republican Party is waging a war on women.  They want to "Make America Great Again" which I read as rolling everything back to the 1950's when white men ruled everything, people of color were servants and janitors and women were housewives who did whatever their husband said.  rankly, they watched a little too much "Father Knows best" although I do remember one where the Anderson family helped their Hispanic gardener launch his singing career.  It was like that on the surface, but underneath it was an ugly teeming mess.

They are trying, desperately, to control women's bodies, which they see as belonging to them, created for THEIR pleasure and to procreate. It's a subtle form of slavery, a way to keep all women down.  I remember as a child, being told that women should remain virgins until marriage, but men should have "experience". That always confused me and I thought that there must be one woman out there having an awful lot of sex.  It's peculiar , the thought that women who have sex are 'Sluts" but men who do it are  "Studs".  Recently I "unfriended" the widower of a distant cousin, who crowed about how only "sluts" needed birth control and how happy he was at the ruling that employers can withhold it as part of the medical coverage if it is against the EMPLOYERS religious beliefs.  I carefully did not point out to him that his daughter had a baby without being married, which used to be an even BIGGER sin than sex before marriage.  But I guess since she obviously wasn't using birth control, by that reasoning it's ok. Some women are given birth control to help manage their "cycle" as many women are, but somehow she would have been branded a "Slut", even if they are not having sex, simply because they need this drug.  According to some "religious" people, women are cursed with menstruation as "payment" for Eve's "sin" I see this as another way men try to control women.

Until 1974  I believe, married women could not get credit in their own name.  We could not vote until 1920. Despite the Lily Ledbetter Act. I am fairly certain that women are still being paid less than men.  I was told that was "because men have families to support"  Somebody need to check te facts on families that have NO father and women are the only adults.  Maybe if these women had access to birth control, they would not need to be supporting families without fathers.  In Colorado, for instance, they experienced an almost 40 % drop in unintended pregnancies when they offered the Long acting birth control to young women.  But hey, they're "sluts" for wanting that, right, Republicans?

I see Viagra is still covered...

1 comment:

  1. And there are still people - AND WOMEN! - who unabashedly support Cheetoh Head. AND cannot stop gloating that "they won!" AND cannot stop staying, Well, if Hillary (or Obama) had won, it would be...."
    It frightens me.


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