Wednesday, October 18, 2017

I should be writing.


Instead I find myself playing mind numbing video games or surfing the same comments over and over. 

I should be writing.

I'm trying to think positively about the world.  The #me too brought up far too many memories of things I would rather not think of in the middle of the night when I can't sleep.  Not just the idiots in trucks blowing sickly kisses and yelling "hey baby baby" at em.  I really want to explain that you are NOT going to attract a woman that way.  I read a comment on a friend's page that said- in all seriousness- that men know right from wrong but do this anyway. I suppose it makes them feel "powerful" to demean and in some cases terrify other people. Sexual assaults are not about sex, no matter what you have been told, they are about power over the powerless; taking what you want because you can.

It's like stealing but what you have taken can never be replaced or returned.

I sit here, reading the news seeing all the reports of the terrible behavior of DJT and his tweets that he has "proof" he said otherwise.  Stop with the thumb action and bring it forward.

We are waiting.


Yeah, right after he releases his tax returns and the proof of the Obama wiretapping.

He's up to something and it can't be good.  He and that child in North Korea are about to get into another dick-measuring contest.  This time, they may put the entire planet at risk, as NEITHER seems to understand that nukes will take out the whole planet, eventually.  If you use nuclear weapons, the territory you attack will NOT be a prize for you to take, but a barren uninhabitable wasteland, use enough weapons and the whole planet goes.  Maybe they need to read  Neville Shute's masterwork "On the Beach"  There were films made of it in 1959 and 2000, so maybe one of those might do, except there may be too many big words for DJT and not enough naked women.

Every morning I wake up and check the news to see if he is still in office. Mike Pence is probably just as bad, maybe worse because he is probably smarter ( there are species of carrot that are smarter than DJT, but that's another story).  I keep hoping that Robert Mueller and Adam Shiff can save us.

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