Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Happy Anniversary

This is gonna be short, because I am already running late but...

I got up a wee bit early this morning to make my husband his favorite cookie ( so Chris if you are reading this BEFORE coming downstairs, they are cooling on the table and should be ready by the time you are ready for work)

Eight years ago today, I married my best friend, my soulmate, Chris Myers. I know that I am truly blessed and am thankful every day that I made the rash decision to see a band called "Evita Freaks" back in September of 2007 at a dive bar in Studio City. Chris was playing bass with some of his childhood friends and I fell for him.  It took him a while to fall for me, but eventually it all worked out.

I'm not going to get all mushy, but our marriage has helped me in the worst of times and has given me the best of times. Little things make me happy and being married to a man who thinks of little things to make me happy is .. well.. the best!

So Happy anniversary, sweetheart. My dad used to tell my mom "that's one more year off my life sentence"  but I knew what he meant.  I love you, Christopher and I think everyone who knows me knows that!


  1. Well, happy anniversary. As a librarian, one of our frequently askekd questions was what were the gifts for a particular anniversary - some I can remember by heart, such as one is paper, two is cotton, five is wood (always a lot of crude jokes there!) ten is tin......but I did have to look up eight - turns out the traditional gifts are bronze or pottery, the "modern" (AKA more materialistic/expensive) gifts are linen or lace. Although, I think the freshly baled favorite cookies are pretty good, too - AND they were probably ON a pottery plate, so all bases are covered! I saw pictures of the wedding - and yes, finally, I believed that you did wear shoes! ALL THE BEST! Tom,


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