Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Ok, fasten your seat-belts, it's going to be a bumpy night.

Yesterday, at work, I had an asthma attack.  It's been a while since I had one and it scared me.  I know what to do and was able to take care of it but.. wow. Probably brought on by stress and lack of sleep ( which is brought on by stress)   I am going to take this weekend to try to figure out what to do about.. everything.  I wish I could wave a magic wand and solve the situations that are bringing me down.  I can't and I am not going to be able to.   I need to talk to a few people.

Apropos of nothing, I got a call the other day from someone I used to know, CROWING about an article that had been written about them and how wonderful it was and how I should read it.  They admitted that there were a few "falsehoods" in the article.  I read it   A FEW??????  about half of it was BOLD faced lies and the rest were innuendo.  I don't know if I am angrier about the writer, who this person said "embellished" their exploits, or the person themselves, who seems inordinately pleased that the article makes them out to be something they are not,   I'd like to straighten out that they were NOT shot stopping a robbery, it was a gun cleaning accident.  I was there at the time. The fact that this person let this be published, as well as the fact that the article really hurt someone I know ( not me)  really grits my teeth.  Ah the "fake news"thing of today.  Can you even trust the media.  THIS is "Yellow Journalism" at it's finest.

Looking forward to a few days off, to rest and read.  I am reading "One Summer , America 1927"  I was struck by the talk about Warren G. Harding, a man totally unfit to have been President.  How he appointed people he KNEW rather than people who were qualified for cabinet positions, which caused the Teapot Dome scandal.  It reminded me of someone else.  Harding died in 1923, and the rumor was that his wife poisoned him, although the official cause of death was a heart attack.  hmmmm.  I'm enjoying the book and the look backward.  My dad would have been seven that year,  He remembered the excitement about Lindbergh and said the kids would shout at every plane "LOOK there's Lucky Lindy"  AH, the innocence of the time...

I am seeing the ENT specialist on the 20th.  Hopefully, he will have an answer to my ongoing problems and will be able to FIX this,  I might need some type of surgery, but I am sick of this.  It's making me tired,  and probably stressing me out!

1 comment:

  1. Re. Harding, I asked my mother and my Aunt Grace who were around then - Auntie was the elder by 5 years, and they both told me, there were scandals, yes, but not like today, only because there was not the media, and so things took longer to get around. My mother also told me that she and my grandparents happened to be in D.C. when Harding died (although I thought he died in San Francisco?) and saw most of the funeral cortege. Not like today when you wouldn't have been able to get within a mile...............
    yes, Harding is known as an incredibly corrupt man, unfit to govern - reminds me of a "more recent" time...............
    Rest up this weekend, luckily you have a day off, and relax and read!


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