Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Sleep poem

I had a dream about you
we were eating ice cream
in a shop window
when suddenly
we were in one of those
faux European commercials
where mannequins come alive and
you can drink from the glass inside the window
by pressing a straw against it

You drank some kind of dark green drink
pronounced it "delicious"
and all the while
music blared
the kind Millennials
are supposed to favor
(but I suspect they don't)
all pop-y
and the singer singing
in a flat monotone

I kept trying to write a poem
but the man you were with kept taking the scrap of paper from me
ruining my concentration
until you told him to leave me to finish
it  was about a goddess named Emma Still
an ice blonde with long elegant fingers
and bright red lips
who presided over something
which waking has made me forget

1 comment:

  1. Well, I suppose this is better than my dreams where I am being pursued, or shut away and terrorized. I will ask you what Pauline asks me, when I describe my dreams to her: WHAT were you eating last evening?
    Still, yours at least sounds artistic.


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