Monday, December 31, 2018

The End of the year

Goodbye 2018.  I've been trying to think of the GOOD stuff this year, as a lot of BAD has happened.  I lost so many people this year, it's not funny.  So.. let's see

Chris and I took a vacation this summer to Utah.  It was really nice to go someplace we hadn't been.  We went for the Utah Shakespeare Festival and saw some amazing performances.  Lisa Wolpe, I will add your Shylock to your Iago as something I will never forget!

We were able to see Henry Ong's marvelous play "The Blade of Jealousy" in full production.  Opening night.  I celebrated turning 60 there.  It was a wonderful day , a terrifically funny play and a lovely party.  Sadly, we lost Henry this year, but his work will live on.

Chris threw me an amazing birthday party.  It was perfect and I hold the memory of that day close to my heart. 

I have amazing friends and every day of this year has reminded me in some way or another just how lucky I am.  I hope I appreciate people to their faces, not just here in my blog.

I read some good books, but alas this morning I can't come up with one I wave in the air and say YOU MUST READ THIS!  I was a wee bit disappointed with "The Library Book" but then I am not a huge fan of Susan Orlean's writing to begin with.

I haven't gone to the movies in ages and I hope this year to be able to do so.  Once I get my new knees and don't need a walker or a scooter, I am hopeful.  The knees will come after the breathing is under control.  We take the first baby steps this week  to see if the problem is really asthma or asthma and something else.  I have that procedure on Wednesday.  Fingers crossed.

Chris bought me a kindle for Christmas.  Now If I can figure out how to download e-books from LAPL, I am set.  I still like regular books a lot.  We will see if this grows on me.

Happy 2019, everyone.  May the new year bring us happiness.  May the changes in this year be good for us all and may we move forward toward a better world.

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