Saturday, May 4, 2019

May the Fourth be with you

Ok I know it is something of a hackneyed cliche, but hey!

I remember seeing the original Star Wars back in May of 1977, I was engaged to be married and we went to see the movie a total of- I think- seven times that Summer ( in between, we got married)

We saw it at the drive in.  Back then, you hooked the movie up to your own sound system and relaxed in your car with the snacks you brought.  It was better than the theater. 

We probably smoked a few while we were waiting for the film.  Don't judge!  It was the 70's  it was a thing.

The things I remember about it are how blown away we all were at the graphics and the "magic" that Industrial Light and Magic brought to our eyes.  We rooted for Luke, thrilled when Han showed his true colors and loved Leia for her spunk.

I hated when Disney took over the franchise.  I REALLY hated when they sanitized the bar scene and made it so that Han did not just shoot first.  It made his "redemption" as it were, at the end of the first film so much better.  We all know Han was an asshole.  He should have remained that way in the later releases.

The later films were just ok.  There is a saying in film that "a sequel Never equals"  and even though these films were created to be a series, I was not wowed by the others as I was by this one ( I'm looking at YOU JarJarBinks)

I wish I had a copy of the undoctored film somewhere. That would be a treat to watch today


  1. So glad to learn I am not the only one in the world. Saw the first one that same summer - oooh, we made the trek out to Century City to see it in a fancy theater! Liked it, but my disenchantment began quickly - the next spring at the Oscars - I mean, really - COSTUMES!????????????? Although it was a weak year for that.
    The the franchise became - wel - a franchise. Eh. And now they seem to be squeezing the last drop of embalming fluid out of Carrie Fisher - who, even though dead, can still appear in movies.
    In happier movies notes, today WOULD have been AUdrey Hepburn's 90th birthday! Sigh - she can still make my heart flutter.

  2. So, P.S. Yesterday on my way to work (yes, yes, I know, retired - but subbing!) Some guy on the news was actually compelled to explain that the phrase "May the FOURTH be with you," was a take-off on the famous line from the Star Wars movie, "May the FORCE be with you." REALLY?
    There might be someone out there listening who didn't know that? Dear Lord!


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