Tuesday, October 22, 2019

415 days, more or less

This Saturday, I will have held my current job ( with one or two titile and salary changes) for 33 years. 

There are things I love about my job ( people) and things I don't love ( other people 😡😡  )  but this morning, BEFORE COFFEE, I tried to do the math on how many days until my stated retirement.  My fuzzy pre-caffeinated brain came up with around 415.

Ok then.

Now what.

My plan , at this moment, is to eventually retire out to the house in 29 Palms.  It is NOT our dream destination, but it is a slower pace and I think we can make it work ok.  We really need to win the lotto so I can live near a river or a lake or something.  No  whatever dam that is in the Monument ( I still call Joshua Tree "the Monument") does not count.

What am I going to DO with myself?

I keep hoping some hidden talent will emerge and I will suddenly have something to do that will keep me occupied and maybe make a little spare change on the side, but I seriously doubt I am suddenly going to become Grandma Moses or anything like that.

Writing is a hobby and no one- or very few people- seem to read this blog ( based on the numbers they give me and the fact that almost NO ONE comments)  I never was much of a short story writer.  Maybe  I can take a class or something.


I am looking at the future with equal amounts of hope and dread, which is all we can really do these days.   I just want to make it to 2020, when change is truly possible and the future may become clearer.

Here's to March 15, 2021.  Beware the Ides of March!

1 comment:

  1. I can tell you - and, in fact, I believe I HAVE BEEN FOR SOME TIME! - that retirement in underrated. Very rarely (maybe less than five days in almost 10 years) have I been bored or at loose ends. Of course, I do still work part-time as a library sub, and like you, what I like are the people, and what I hate are the other people! The two best things for me have been:
    A) I wake up when I wake up, and am not frantic about "Oh, if the car isn't out of the driveway by 8, I will be in trouble!" In other words, my day is my own, and that can be very liberating. In fact, when I retired, I bought myself more robes (yes, I swan around in t hem for most of the morning!) and a "breakfast set: of sunny, bright yellow china, because I can finally loll around with my coffee, and enjoy that meal!
    AND B! There are certain people I never have to see or deal with ever again! (Maybe that should be A?)
    Yes, you could take a writing class - or classes! - and even explore writing groups around you. You could become a Friend of your local library! (By California charter, once you do not work there, you can join as a Friend) I think you will be fine, and part of your time will be spent enjoying your better health and much lower stress level
    415 days is NOTHING!
    (Lolling in one of his robes)!


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