Sunday, October 27, 2019

Angels watching over me

I pulled three cards from my desk of angel card this morning, asa I do sometimes, to get a message of hope or guidance.

Now, some of you don't believe in this and that's just fine, but it's kind of the same thing I also do,in flipping open my Bible ( see I OWN ONE!) and hitting a random verse.

Same messenger IMHO.

Today's message was about courage and strength.  It reminded me that the angels are watching over me and protecting me, that I need to be ready to take my place in guiding someone and loving them.

So... my grandson is getting ready to make his entrance.  I am heading out to 29 to help my daughter and her family .  I wonder if Mason is going to need his Gogo in his life.  His Gogo sure needs him. 

As I get my act together and pack for the trip, I will lean on my angels, maybe even hum the Spiritual we used to sing " All night all day, Angels watching over me, my Lord"

May the angels watch over you as well.

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