Saturday, March 27, 2021

Saturday thoughts about nothing

I was thinking the other day about English and how hard it must be to learn if you speak another language.   English is a very confusing language, having been cribbed from other languages, living and dead.   

Take for instance the word "score"   I was thinking about this because of the song " Songbird" by Fleetwood Mac.  She sings  "and the songbird keeps singing like they know the score."  for YEARS, I associated this with the score of a game, the slang would mean that you know what's going on.   It dawned on me, as I was washing my dishes the other day, that it meant a MUSICAL score.  ummm.  I thought about the word itself.  Bear with me, but score can mean:

  • A piece of music
  • the total points in a game
  • to make a cutting in something- like scoring a vegetable to make it pretty
  • to make a point in a game
See what I mean?   English can be darn tricky.

There is a coffee cup I have seen online that I think I need.  It says "I am silently correcting your grammar."  Yep.  I have learned over the years that it is not up to me to correct someone when they misspeak, but the thing that makes me crazy is the misuse of "I" and "me"  Frankly, I won't get into parts of speech, because grammar can be boring- except for the class I took at CSUN  taught by poet Ann Stanford  SHE made grammar interesting and important.  

The best way to tell whether to us "Me" or  "I" when you are listing a group of people and you want to include yourself is to drop all the other names and see if you would use one or the other if it stood alone.  I have often found that to be helpful  although I am USUALLY pretty  good with that part of speech.  

Using an adjective when you desperately need an adverb is also a pet peeve.

Still I am happy these days when I actually HAVE human interaction.  I got the first shot yesterday and apart from a sore arm, I am not feeling any adverse effects.    The next one in in late April .  I am looking forward to have this behind me.

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