Monday, March 15, 2021

When a plan comes together and your words do their job

I've been writing this blog for a while, trying to get  my skills back, or maybe amuse myself or maybe someone else will get something out of it.

Last night I got a message from someone that made me happier than I have been about this blog on a long time.  I wrote a piece about my friend Kaye Thomas, who had died and how we fought to get him a proper military burial ( he had a PURPLE HEART for goodness sake). I posted his full name in the title, hoping that someone from his family might see it and know what happened.  I got a note from a distant cousin.  

It worked.  

The thing I meant for that piece to do ( Happy Birthday, Kay Darwin Thomas   reached its intended audience.   It gave me a small peace in my heart.

I have one or two people who comment, and I REALLY APPRECIATE seeing their thoughts on my musings.  I can see how many views I have had and sometimes, I am surprised at the number of people who have read it.  I suppose if I had more time to really devote to this, I might write more consistently and really create something out of this.

For now, I just want to keep writing something, with my cup of coffee before I dive into my day.  Knowing that the words I put online in 2013   FINALLY made it is sort of a "message in a bottle"

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. That was a very nice ad good thing you did, and I am glad it worked.

    My father had a Purple Heart, I wish I knew the details, but he would never discuss his wartime experiences, except the funny stories. I THINK it was in the battle of Okinawa, as I did find a telegram from his commanding officer to my mother.

    NOW, I am expecting some rollicking piece about it being Saint Patrick's Day! You used to own this great green dress, I wonder if you still have it - that was back in the early 90's!



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