Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Politics, Politics Politics

 I often think of the scene in History of the World, where Mel Brooks bombs in a comic act before the Roman Senate.  He changes gears, yelling "Politics Politics politics" and gets in even more trouble.  

Sometimes I feel like it's the only thing I talk about.  One day I want to talk about books or movies or ANYTHING but what is going on in the world, but if we act like it isn't  bad out there, then the bad will take over.

I see the Trump organization id being dragged into civil court for lying about their finances.  Someone on Facebook ( I Know)  observed that he might finally get his due, because the Rich cheer when you screw the little guy, but it's GAME ON when you screw the Rich.  I hope so.  I hope this is just step one in what will happen to him.  His base, however is probably cheering that they 'stuck it to the man" even though Trump and his cronies ARE the man.

I saw that one idiot (sorry there is no other word for someone so crack-brained) is advancing the theory that the person who spoke last weekend at the Arizona Rally was NOT Trump but... wait for it... JFK.  Yeah.  Right.  The BEST response was someone who observed that "Trump DOES speak like 104 year old man with half a brain" (OUCH!)

Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.  I wonder if they know anything about JFK or are simply moony-eyed over the romance of "Camelot" which was not real either.

I am watching Rachel Maddow with a mixture of hope and trepidation.  The January 6th Commission is working methodically toward the truth, but I think for most Trumpers, it IS true that he could shoot someone and rape their daughter in front of them and they would vote to acquit him of all charges.    I pray this will end well, but Trump does not have the conscience of Richard Milhous Nixon and THAT was precious little. There are few Republicans willing to go against him and those that are are reviled by his schoolboy taunts.

I hope the presidential documents will be in the hands of the committee soon and I hope that if they really did subpoena Eric Trump, he sings like a canary. 

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