Monday, January 17, 2022

Stuff I am thinking

 It's Monday and I am discombobulated so forgive me

We are in Laughlin, for what should have been a relaxing weekend.  Nope.  Water -lakes and rivers and the ocean- are my peaceful place. No luck here as the  river is effectively "closed" for the drought or repairs depending on who you talk to.Our room overlooks the HVAC system . Enchanting.  Staff are more grumpy than before and I suspect two years of simultaneous forced cheerfulness while reminding inebriated Right wingers that they need to wear a mask has something to do with it.

Chris and I need a real vacation, given the past 5 months, but who know when that will be.  I am going to need a good attorney for a small bit of legal advice-UNRELATED TO CHRIS!- so if anyone knows someone who know about contracts, let me know. It has to do with my ex..

Today we remember the work and words of Dr. King.   I was reading Dan Rather's Steady and if you haven't seen it, you should   I subscribe for 5 bucks a month, as I also do to Heather Cox Richardson.  Both are worthy of the sawbuck, but are also shared for free.   Mr Rather recalls the times spent with MLK and said something that resonates with me.  He was a radical and had he lived he would have continued the fight in radical ways.  We have made the man a saint.  He wasn't one. But he stood for a change we need in this country and that makes the Established Order uncomfortable.

They tell us not to cherry pick, but the statement of his that always meant something to me- I was ten when he was assassinated-was his hope that his children would be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.  Many adults in my orbit had trouble with that and as I became an adult I continually fight the programming, I recognize it and fight it off in my head/  They say the first thought in your mind is what you were taught, but the second is who you are.  I'm going with that.

As we remember this man's work today, remember to be kind but also to recognize and fight injustice  and HELP PASS THE JOHN LEWIS VOTING RIGHTS ACT!

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