Thursday, January 20, 2022

Weird dreams

 Last night, for the first time in a long time I slept through the night, without waking once.  I have been suffering from nightmare induced insomnia- horrible dreams that would give Sam Pekinpah  a run for his money.  I had this really weird dream, which I will share

I was going back to college and was in Arizona of all places.  For my "English class"  I decided it would be fun to take a class in baseball writing. Dream me (in a lot of my dreams I play another character and this was the case here) decided that "hey I like baseball and I like to write, so win-win"  The teacher was a taskmaster.  We were to buy a newspaper ever day and read the articles on baseball.  Fair enough, but when I went to buy a cup of coffee and the LA Times ( I was looking for the Daily News but I was in Arizona)  the thing cost me 7 dollars.   I reasoned as a poor college student I had better get a subscription but my classmate told me people stole them from your door if you did that.  huh .  Somewhere in my dream the online version never occurred to me.  The teacher also told us that we had to be glued to the tv right after the National Anthem.  Baseball is, as Robin Williams observed, a "slow damn game"  Dream me wondered about meals and bathroom breaks.  I fell asleep and missed the opening pitch.  It was a Yankees game ( see I still have nightmares!)  I began writing my opinion piece like this:

"AS a kid, I grew up listening to the best baseball commentator in the business, Vin Scully.   My two favorite teams have always been the Dodgers and whoever is playing the Yankees.  Being forced to watch and comment on a Yankee game without bias is going to be hard for me, but I will try. "

So, are my dreams telling me to move to Arizona ( FAT CHANCE) or go back to college?  I don't know what to make of it, except maybe the fiction part of my brain relaxed enough to give me a pleasant dream.

 I CAN write about something OTHER than politics.

1 comment:

  1. Well, ought you not to have been reading the Phoenix Gazette? I know, quibble, quibble,
    You ought to do an exploratory piec eon dreams. I had a friend who's therpaist told him we are every character in our dreams - DAMN! What I want to know is, where does allt he scary violence and terror and ugliness in my dreams come from? I hate to think that stuff is within me.
    AND I want to know, how come if I am having some nice dream where I am in love, and maybe snugglig up or shopping or at a lovely soiree, I wake up and cannot return to that dream, but if it is being chased and snmakes and Nazis, etc. it comes right back? UNFAIR!
    Glad to see a "column." I miss them.


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