Saturday, April 8, 2023

Abortion medication and what this means

 I see the bought-and-paid for Texas judge has demanded the removal of a safe and effective abortion drug, used to great success for 23 years.

Since WHEN is a judge a doctor?

Since WHEN do they get to demand the removal because it upsets a minority of people who are also not doctors?

We need to stop this right now.  We need to stand in the fire of this moment because THIS is only the beginning of a small minority taking control of what you can and cannot do because THEY object to it.

Insulin?  Made, I believe with human DNA so they are probably going to be screaming about aborted babies next

Cancer Medication?  MARIJUANA is the Devil's Lettuce  We can't have THAT can we?

Thankfully, a judge in Washington state issues another opinion and now it is fast tracking to the Supreme Court, which is probably bad news, since they are bought and paid for by the Christian Right.  I wonder if they will have the spine to oppose this.  Probably not and we are in for a fight.

My country scares me.

I say this all the time Making abortion illegal does not make it go away, it just makes it more dangerous. IF you think you win by outlawing it, you are either blind or naïve.  Women have always sough abortions, It is not a simple thing to decide, but it has always been there.  

The Christian Right who seem to run the legal system in our county, claiming to be "pro-life' just tick me off.  YOU are NOT pro life, if all you want is a child born, but not cared for after they clear the womb.  Admit it, you are pro BIRTH.

Women will be taking to the streets next weekend.  We are in for a long battle.


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