Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Biden "crime" Family- or every accusation is a confession.

 I've been thinking about politics and the whole Biden impeachment thing over the past few days.   I do not worship at the alter of Joe Biden, I think he's doing a fairly good job, given all the bad behavior from Republicans ( I think if Joe said "breathing is good for you, the Free-dumb Caucus would hold their breath.)  It's stupid and pointless and like a group of toddlers are holding us hostage.

I love how the guy Kevin put in charge of the investigation says "We have nothing right now but we will keep digging toll we find something."  Maybe Joe eats his peas with honey ( Dudley Doo-right was drummed out the Mounties for that offense)  They are looking for something - ANYTHING- that will create a false equivalency to their God Trump being impeached twice.  It's the BENGHAZI BENGHAZI BEGHAZI tactic as well as "her emails"   Trump is calling the shots and they are licking his shoes.

Look, IF  and I say IF Biden did something illegal, like oh.. say.. withheld money that was appropriated to a foreign  government until they did him a "favor"  or  oh... I don't know.. had such a temper tantrum about losing that he called on his followers to overthrow the government, I would be down with whatever punishment was merited.  But they don't even KNOW what they are looking for.

Your tax dollars at work.

Instead of finding a common ground to keep our government running, those 15 or so people are holding us all hostage to their (really Trump's) whims.

Can someone explain to me how that idiot Tommy Tuberville can hold up military appointments because he doesn't like a policy?  I don't know if he is a Russian operative or just a dumbass.

I see Hunter is pushing back and suing the IRS.  Good for him.  He is being targeted because they can't find anything on Joe and they want to hurt Joe's re-election prospects.  It's a thing.  Remember Roger Clinton- Bill's Brother?  Remember Jimmy Carter's brother Billy ( Billy Beer anyone?) If you can't find anything on the President, you smear their family with a nudge-nudge-wink-wink.

Which leads me to the "Crime Family" moniker that Trump has going for Biden.  I dunno, but Biden's family hasn't been :

  • Forbidden from running a charity in the State of New York
  • Sued for false promises in a University Scam
  • Committed felony tax fraud (Hunter's is a Misdemeanor, if I am reading this right)

There are other things.  Why aren't they crawling up Jared Kirschner's backside for the deal with the Saudis?  Tit for tat.  

In all of this, I am thinking about Beau Biden.  His death really changed everything. Bear with me:

If Beau does not die at the end of the Obama Presidency, then Joe runs for President, not Hillary.  He would have won handily- the reason a lot of people didn't vote for Hillary was simply that she was a woman.  The pandemic would have been addressed, not ignored because he "like his numbers the way that they were".  Perhaps Russia would not have felt emboldened enough to attack Ukraine.  But he did die and none of this came to pass.

Still, I remain hopeful as some Republicans are slowly getting off the Trump Train to Nowhere.  Is Biden perfect?  No, heck no.  But he's a damn site better than the Orange Menace.

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