Monday, September 4, 2023

Cornwall- the best part of the trip

 There is a line from a Gerry Beckley song on the  Harbor Album called "Sargent Darkness" that has been running through my brain as I think about this part of the trip " I think my dreaming brought you here:  and while it is about finding love, the line stuck in my brain.  Did my dreaming- all those years- bring me to this place and this family.

As a little girl, I dreamed of England and finding my grandmother's family. Really it was something I often wished when I was little and wondered about when I was older.  Were there still people who were related and would they like to meet.. ME?

Enter Ancestry.  I searched my grandmother's maiden name and came up with a match.  We began an internet correspondence. The connection was strong.  This trip to Cornwall, to be in each other's presence, was the culmination of a long cherished dream.

We met our Cousin Andrew outside the hotel. He had his adorable daughter, Little J with him  OOOHH is she a cutie pie. Andrew and his husband had visited with us in Los Angeles about ten years ago and it was WONDERFUL to see him again.  We met the rest of the family at a cute little café that overlooked a lake. It was gorgeous, the food was lovely and we caught up. It felt like I had known my Cousin John and his wife June a long time.  My cousin Lynda and I talk online a lot but it was a special pleasure to be able to give her that hug I had "threatened" her with.  We went back to Andrew's House where we met ( finally!) Natalie and her husband James.  Natalie is another cousin I talk to online and it was wonderful to see her ( she did NOT bring her dog, Brinkley with her, so NEXT TIME!!!)  What a joyful afternoon.

On my "wish list" was  A Proper Tea.  Andrew's husband works at a gorgeous hotel on the bluffs above the sea and we were seated in a beautiful booth with an amazing panoramic view of the sea.  Tea was everything I hoped it would be.  There was a small mishap with a very delicate wine glass but there were no injuries and all was well.

We went back to our hotel and went to the bar for a snack.  It was inedible.  The barman was nice and the service was good, but I was glad we had in invite for breakfast the following day.  We had included breakfast in our reservation but never got there. I am kind of glad we didn't based on the "food" that we encountered there,

We went to another cute café across the road from John's house.  Breakfast was lovely and we went across to John's house to watch the football( aka soccer) match.  John and I looked over his extensive database of family history.  We need to link it!   I gave him the updates I could from my memory, but there are a whole group of my Great-Aunt Gracie's family.  I'll be reaching out to my cousin Robert for more information

We went to a marvelous restaurant/bar for drinks and the view.  What a lovely way to spend an afternoon.  We went back to Andrew's house and ordered take-away Indian food.  it took FOREVER to get there and I hope they gave them a discount!  The food was good ( I DO love Sag Aloo) and the company was wonderful.  We were sad to leave, but we had to get back to get ready to take the train in the morning.  

This trip was lovely and without incident. we DID see the White Horse that Chef Tommy Banks from the Great British Menu talks about.  Lots of cows and sheep and corn. The architecture of the homes was very British to my mind.  Not like we would see at home. It was just a lovely ride.  We were back at the Doubletree

THIS TIME we did NOT put the insulin in the fridge.

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