Saturday, September 23, 2023

Foot update

 FINALLY saw the podiatrist this week.  Nothing broken ( yeah it's been five weeks so probably healed!) but nerve damage.  She gave me a boot, crutches and an appointment in four weeks.

She also prescribed some over-the-counter meds to help with the pain, so I trouped over to the pharmacy to get them.  As is custom, they had me talk to the pharmacist.  She held up the lidocaine and started telling me I should have a bowel movement before I applied it.  I was understandably confused- what does my tush have to do with my foot.  She stopped, seeing the look on my face.  "It's my FOOT" I said  "oh" she said, turns out the pharmacy clerk had grabbed what they had which is usually for your tush.  She said it would work on my foot.

Ok then.

The foot hurts. Bending the toes hurts.  Time will heal it.  Nerve damage is slow, but I can deal with it.

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