Friday, June 14, 2024

For Guadalupe


I saw you today

In a place we used to go

My heart leapt with joy

and I hurried toward you


The slap of memory

You are gone

and the woman who looked like you

hurried past me

with a sad 

and knowing smile.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter

 He is Risen.

With those words, spoken by a woman ( although later are attributed to men) the promise of the Christian Faith was fulfilled.

As I look at faith today, I am struck by how narrow minded it can be.  The Evangelicals who are backing the Orange Monster seem to think they and they alone have an understanding of and an ownership of God.  

The funny thing is they do it with hate.

They hate anyone who is not white

They hate anyone who is gay

They hate anyone who does not conform to their very narrow understanding of a functioning society.

I don't know what Bible they are reading, but the New Testament is all about....  LOVE

Jesus greatest command to his followers was "love ye one another"

I don't think he only meant the 12 guys who were his disciples, but anyone who followed his teachings.

I stopped going to church and following a certain sect of Christianity when I realized the hypocrisy in the congregations I was exposed to, and while I still consider myself a Christian, I don't find any comfort in church.

So today, as I dye my eggs and make a ham- both very traditional celebrations that are vaguely Pagan- I will ponder my faith and why people murder each other over  what amounts to a difference of opinion.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Fani Willis

 Ok  I admit I am confused.   Can someone explain to me like I am a fifth grader just exactly WHAT Ms. Willis did that is worthy of tossing her out? From what I understand she hired a man who is a lawyer to work on a legal case.  Did she have a relationship with him?  Yep.  Was he the best qualified for the job?  Maybe, maybe not  but sometimes you hire someone because you know they will work well with the team even if someone has more "credentials"

At least he HAS credentials unlike a prominent Shoe designer and a Real Estate Developer who were given high profile jobs in a former President's Administration who made a crap-ton of money from that association.  Sure, they didn't get paid by the Government- or that was the claim- but they made around 640 million from "other business ventures" during their time in the White House.  Were THEY qualified?  Nope Just ( and this uses a phrase Trump used in the 80s) "members of the lucky sperm club"

Trump and his lawyers are throwing everything at this to get the case tossed out.  HE DID THE CRIME AND IT IS ON TAPE.  What he did was illegal and he knows his goose is cooked and since it is a STATE case, he or another Rethuglican can't pardon him.  

So, please explain- other than the whims of a liar who has misused the legal system all his working life- WHY this hearing is taking place at all?  Just what did she do that was "misconduct"?

Monday, January 15, 2024

January 15


Today we celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  We think of him as the voice of the Civil Rights Movement, although many others spoke, Dr. King, with his ministerial eloquence was the voice that resonated most.

It got him murdered.

 I was ten years old when he was shot in Memphis.  His death began a discussion among my fourth-grade peers, as the question I was asking myself and others was “how would I feel if I couldn’t do what other people do, simply because of the color of my skin?”   A simple child’s question but one I still think is valid.

How would you feel if you couldn’t do what other people do because of your:



Sex or sexual identity.


They say we “cherry-pick” his words, but as a ten-year old, living in a thankfully diverse community, these words resonated best with me:

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

As a child, I could see that vision clearly.  As an adult I still cling to that dream.  Do I have pre-programmed biases. Yes, Yes I do, but I do my best to recognize them and dismiss them I remember what I heard once; “Your first thought is what you have been taught, the second is who you are”  I feel better about the way my brain sometimes works, because my second thought is usually WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT???

I have only read snippets of his Letter from Birmingham Jail and recently read how the bits and pieces were smuggled out of the jail and assembled by his staff.  When I can dedicate the proper amount of time to it, I plan to read it.  It is 27 pages, but the depth of his words must be taken in slowly, savored and considered.

But on this day, I will celebrate his success and think about what must be done to keep those who would destroy his work and legacy.

Sunday, January 14, 2024



I just finished reading the Cassidy Hutchinson book “Enough” It took me a long time and I have no idea why.  The book is well written and compelling. She takes you from her days as a young starry-eyed employee to the end of the term.  We learn about her childhood (spoiler alert, her father is a rat). She consistently states that she is still a Republican in belief of what the party USED to say were their core values.  She also says she will do everything she can to keep him from taking power again.  This is someone who had close proximity to him.  She knows what he will do the next time around.

The book is worth a read. I doubt it will change anyone’s mind, however.  I placed a hold on the book by Bob Woodward “the Last of the President’s Men:  a book she says gave her the courage to tell the truth and I do believe her.  She knew her career would be over after she said what she said.

I believe her.  I admire her courage and her conviction that she was serving the people of this country, not the former guy.  I live in guarded hope that we will not reelect him, but we need to be prepared for whatever shenanigans he and his henchmen cook up.

Frankly, given his predilection to junk food, I am rooting for the cheeseburger.