Monday, August 25, 2014

Review- Jeff Larson Close Circle

Let me start out by saying that Jeff is one of my favorite Indie artists.  His music never fails to lift my spirits; it causes me to think and to look at the world in a new light.  That being said, I pre-ordered his latest CD "Close Circle" with great anticipation.

I was not disappointed.  As I said in a brief Amazon review, if you buy this for the first cut alone, you will have gotten your money's worth.  "Rescue" is a song that resonates with me.  The recording, like every recording on this cd is crystal clear.  I love being able to hear each instrument, no murky mix here.  I won't go through each song but the tings Ilove about this cd are in no particular order:

Jeddrah.  If you have ever heard her sing you know why.  I love her voice.  She blends so beautifully on close harmony.  I wish she sang on every cut!

Mandolins.  I love the sound and the use of the mandolin on a number of the cuts adds a depth to the song, giving it a classic folk feel that I seldom hear anymore.

Different musical styles.  This is not a straight folky effort. I love "Always the Mystery" for it's Spanish guitar sound.  I love the groove in "How long running'. 

Drumming.  I love the tone of the drums.  Again, a clean clear recording, no mud!

Lyrics and vocals. Can you separate the dancer from the dance?  Me either.  As a "word" person, I love Jeff's use of language and the delivery in his vocals.  He has a voice that is easy on the ears, but interesting enough to keep you engaged.

This is a good one.   I have been listening to it all week in my car and I HAVE reached my saturation point.  I will go back to it again and again in the coming weeks.

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