Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Stuff I am thinking about

I have not kept up with my writing.  I have been "overbooking" myself and I need to slow down and take some time to reconnect with the craft of writing something every day.  It's hard sometimes to get what I am thinking out in a clear concise manner.  I mean, I KNOW what I want to say, but sometimes the final product is not as eloquent as I would have wished or that it would have been if I started writing when I started thinking about what to write.

I am still thinking sadly about Robin Williams.  Depression is so often an invisible disease. Robin Williams made so many of us laugh, it's hard to imagine how sad he must have been inside.  He sought help, but sometimes it's just not enough.  That idiot "newscaster" from Faux News who judged him as being a "coward" has NO idea what the man was going through.  How dare he make such a judgement.  One person I know on Facebook had the unmitigated gall to state that he "knew" that Williams killed himself over Obama's political agenda in regard to the military.  WHA?????   Yeah, that's right, he was so despondent about the treatment of our troops that he killed himself in protest.  This guy is a serious nut job.  I really should remove him from my list. I knew him a long time ago, but I think the hair-gel and the spray-tan has finally gotten to his brain.  He wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed back in the day, but this takes the cake.

Lauren Bacall died yesterday.  I loved her in "To Have and Have Not"  "You know how to whistle, don't you Steve?  Just put your lips together and blow"  She and Bogey named their son "Steven"  I wonder if that's a coincidence ;)  She was a class act  with, from all accounts, a wicked sense of humor.

Maybe this weekend, I will watch a few films from these actors.  I could watch "To Have and Have not" again.   I don't think I ever saw "Dead Poets Society"  Maybe I should.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, and some of us are disappointed when you don't write more delightful and entertaining and -sometimes - provocative entries more often! You OWE it to your public! ;) Tom
    P.S. Seriously, I do look forward to your entries - don't let that other stuff get in your way. Well, except Chris, MAYBE!


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