Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Social Media

I have a twitter account.  I know I am on the tail end of the trend, coming late to the party, but I think I could really get into "tweeting"  It's funny really, but I do tend to think in small snarky sentences that would be perfect for Twitter, so here goes.

"I really want to replace the water in the cooler with vodka and see if it improves anything."  #monday is hard

" Is the term "fashion forward" fashion-speak for REALLY UGLY DRESS?" #theemporerisstillnaked

"breathe.think.breathe.begin" #zenthoughts

I get it, I suppose.  Twitter is the electronic version of haiku, or of things that used to be uttered sotto voce, now broadcast over the ether. I might try it, if I remember to do it.  But like this blog, it will take some time.   It would be pathetic to sign on and only have one follower, wouldn't it?

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