Tuesday, January 12, 2016

I have no words

I am a collector of words.  I am fascinated with lexicon.  I have a decent vocabulary for someone who has a degree in English.   I am fairly well-read.  But today, I just have no words.

Yesterday, my co-worker received a call that her infant grandson had "stopped breathing" and they were rushing him to the hospital.  He didn't make it.  My grief for my friend and her daughter overwhelm me.  I do not want to imagine what they are going through; it is too horrible to contemplate without weeping.I know there are no words of comfort that can be offered to soothe even the smallest amount of the pain that they must be feeling.   It is a helpless feeling, to know others are struggling and you cannot help.  This morning, I "googled"  "What to say to someone who has lost their child" in hopes that someone who had gone through this would have some sage advice.  Google just scrolled and left me with a blank page.  Makes sense.

When someone dies, we bring food to the family and encourage them to eat.  We stand around helpless, looking for some small task, to feel useful in a time of need.  I wonder if just being there is enough.  If anyone reading this has gone through this for either end of the spectrum and has something to share, I would appreciate it.

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