Thursday, December 31, 2015

End of the Year ( part 2)

What is so "magical" about midnight on December 31?  We see in the New Year with noise and champagne, but why is it any different than the change from one day to the next?   We make resolutions, drunkenly tell our friends we love them and stay up till the wee hours of the morning.   Why do we sit up and review the year as if we were all some type of accountant who must balance and make sense of things before the stroke of midnight?

I remember the excitement, as a child, of being allowed to stay up and celebrate the New Year with a glass of ginger-ale, or when I was a bit older a seven-up with a capful of wine in it.  I remember as a young married, having our friends over to celebrate and crash in the house.  I remember whispering "Happy New Year" in my infant daughter's ear at midnight.  This year, Chris and I decided to stay home.  Alone. That's right.  No big celebration here or going anywhere.  We did have a sweet invitation from friends we will see after the New Year, but the appeal of staying home, just the two of us, is way too great.  It's been a frantic few months and I need to relax in my pjs and NOT have to worry about entertaining anyone.  Don't get me wrong; I LOVE a houseful of people, just not this year.  Maybe next year I will feel differently.

For now, I will reflect on my blessings and plan for my future.  I don't reserve this type of thinking for December 31, but I will try to live more in the "now"; to enjoy the company of my friends, to relish good food and good conversation, to savor a kiss.  As Carly Simon says in Anticipation "I'll stay right here, 'cause these are the Good Old Days"

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy! And swill that ginger ale! Living in Pasadena, as I do, it is not at all tempting to venture out on New Year's Eve.


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