Wednesday, December 30, 2015

End of the year thoughts ( part 1, I think)

I am sitting in my kitchen, thinking about having another cup of coffee before scooting off to work.   I may be drinking too much coffee, but these days I am not sleeping well and   coffee is probably part of a vicious cycle.  I have too much caffeine in my system to sleep, and I am too tired so I drink more coffee...  UGH  Nothing a week in the Bahamas wouldn't cure, or winning the Lottery.

Like most people, when the lotto gets as high as it is right now, I am fantasizing about winning and what I would do with it.  Three hundred million is a figure I can't really wrap my head around, but I would sure like to try. I would pay off my debts and buy a modest house somewhere.  Help my family. The bulk would probably go to starting some sort of charitable organization.  Seriously.  How many houses can you live in?  How many cars can you drive?  How many people need help?  With that much money, I think we could do some good in the world.

It's the end of the year and I am thinking about what went on; counting my blessings.  The best of the lot was the no cancer diagnosis I received around Christmas.  It was a long drawn-out process to get there, but I did  get there.  It's been an interesting year and I am going to think more about it and probably write more tomorrow.  I clicked two places off my "bucket list" although I want to go back and see more of Yosemite and the Grand Canyon.  We took a train ride and are planning another one somewhere else next year.  I love the romance of a train ride and although Amtrak is NEVER on time, I think it will be fun to take it on a semi-long journey up north.  My grandson gets cuter every day.  He said something that sounded like he was trying to say "grandma" yesterday.  I am waiting to see what her calls me and I will NOT correct him. The name will be his creation.  Kate used to say "Nama"  but her grandmother got so upset about it and kept correcting her.  I thought Nama was cute.

Work awaits.  If I win the lottery I am out of there.   I am getting tired and much less patient with my folks.  I can see it in myself and I know it is coming on the time to think about retirement.  It's scary really and I think I need to talk to someone with some good sense and I need to talk to the retirement people about the actual numbers which are a bit convoluted due to my divorce settlement.  It's probably not as bad as I think.  I am waiting to see what the new contract with my union will be; we should have some kind of inkling in the Spring as to what is being negotiated at least.  Then I can decide what I want to do.  My stated goal is to make it to 40 years, which I will hit on July 19.  I MIGHT try for 30 with LAPL, which will be on October 26.  This year ( and tonight's lotto) will tell!

1 comment:

  1. I am willing to vote for retirement. LOVE IT!
    The two best things about it (for me) are (well, were, but sure continue to be!)
    1) My schedule is my own. In fact, I have to look at the instructions now should I ever need to reset the alarm clock! I wake up when I wake up, loll about until I feel the need to do something else (I am still in my jammies and robe) As a retirement present to myself I bought a new set of breakfast china - a bright and cheery sunny yellow, because I spend a lot more time now with coffee and whatever. Also bought several new robes, because I spend a lot more time lolling!
    2) And this probably should be number 1! Robyn, there are people I will never have to see or hear from or deal with EVER EVER EVER AGAIN! Heaven, pure bliss. Some of them ERIP'ped when I did, but some are still there. I have seen one of them once and it was horrible. Once in a great while I talk to one of them and it is always awful. So, factor that in. Goodbye permanently to some of the people you don't want to deal with ever again! That counts for a lot!
    Obviously, I took well to retirement. The dumbest question "Well, but what will you do all day?" Oh, Honey, believe you me, there is stuff to do!
    Happy 2016 and good luck!


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