Wednesday, December 16, 2015

No News to report

It's been over a week since I had the biopsy and the other tests and I haven't heard a peep from Kaiser.  I am operating under the "no news is good news" theory and figure my doctor will tell me what he did find when I see him next Monday.  For now, I am assuming there is NO cancer.  I hope he can tell me what IS there and we can move forward.

I have the most wonderful friends who called or emailed me to see how I was doing.  I feel like such a wimp, but this took more out of me than I thought it would.   I STILL have a gnarly bruise on the inside of my right arm from the IV.  I'm still kind of fuzzy, but maybe that's constant right now.  Not enough sleep and little appetite.    It's gonna get better and I really appreciate the love of my friends.

 I need to get ready for Christmas.  I still have not decorated. I don't have many of my gifts bought. We tried to get a tree last night but I am NOT paying 70 bucks for one.  I hope we can get one this evening or tomorrow.   The usual place we go is not there and I do NOT patronize one of the local places because of a difficult encounter with the owner years ago.  She lost my business and I will not go back.  Ever.  

So I hope for a tree and family around the table on the 25th.  I have no idea yet who will be here but I will have food enough for an army, so if you are hungry on December 25th, come on by!  I'm making lasagna and sausage and peppers with polenta, among other things.  I'm NOT Italian, but that seems to be the food of choice around here.  It is fairly simple to prepare and I love having a houseful of people for the holidays. I am just not ready for Christmas yet. It always seems to sneak up on me, although it is the same day every year!


  1. What biopsy? What possible cancer scare? You cannot just drop bombshells like this in your blog and then go off onto polenta and trees. How come I knew none of this?
    What gives, Baby?

  2. Well, as long as you are fine, OK? So, does this mean you and Chris won't be bring forth any little tykes? Thank goodness, now it can just be wild and uninhibited sex 24/7/365 (except next year when it can be 366!)
    Dinner after Christmas!
    You can get into the mood by listening to Elmo and Patsy! HA!


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