Tuesday, December 22, 2015

GOOD news

I went to my doctor yesterday and he confirmed what I thought.  My uterus is not trying to kill me.  Still unsure just what happened but the results of all the tests confirm that there is no cancer.  My doctor and I have agreed to see if anything else happens and then we can look at what might be going on- IF anything is going on. I'm just thankful all that is over for now.  I am exhausted.  I did not realize what a Sword of Damocles had been hanging over my head  for the last four months and how it was affecting me.  I have used up my reserve well of energy.   I need to recharge my batteries something fierce, but Christmas is.. FRIDAY!   I think I am almost ready for it.   We have the tree and it is decorated.  I bought the special sausage for lasagna and sausage and peppers with polenta.  I will go and get my final food run on Christmas Eve day and hope I have it right.

Christmas is a low-key affair this year.  I gave up sending Christmas cards a few years ago and I miss getting them, but you have to send them to get them.  I just don't have the time or the energy.  When I was married to Kate's father, I was signing them and writing little notes to everyone, personalizing them.  I was tired and I handed a few off to him to sign.  I got them back and saw that he had just signed his full name.  No note.  Not even a "Merry Christmas"  Just his name.   Maybe when I retire I will take up card writing again.

  I went out this weekend to see the kids.  We drove up to Big Bear to take Bobby to see Santa and the snow.  He was not afraid of Santa at all and was his usual charming self to the point where Mrs. Santa took out HER camera to take his picture.  That boy has my dad's charm as well as his name. The kids bought a HUGE tree and I made my son-in-law drive the car down the mountain with it.  I was NOT doing that.  Once we got in the flats of Old Woman Springs road, I took over.  We used to drive that way all the time with my folks when we would "visit" 29 Palms back in the 60's  There was a vacation dream for kids.  The desert.  In the 60's . in the summer.  Thankfully the hotel had a pool.  Boredom reached new heights with those trips, but my Dad loved the desert.  I can appreciate it now but back then?  Not so much.

Bobby loved opening the presents I brought.  Yes we opened gifts this weekend.  When you have multiple families, Christmas is when you are together.  Christmas should not be celebrated just one day a year.  we need to carry the spirit of it within us, if we celebrate it.  We are kinder to each other over the holidays and in January are back to being ourselves and sometimes that's not a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. VERY GOOD NEWS! An early Christmas present . Seriously, so happy for you!


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