Thursday, December 3, 2015

Obvious thoughts

The shooting in  San Bernardino is all over the news and it has got  em thinking about a lot of things

Why?   That is always the question.  WHY do people do this kind of thing?   It turns out it was a husband and wife  and HE worked there.  So... workplace violence?  But they went heavily armed ad ready for battle.  Did they expect to survive this?   Just how stupid are you to think you can perpetrate this kind of atrocity and  just walk away as if nothing happened?  They leave behind a child.  What were they hoping to achieve in a mass killing such as this?  For the life of me, I cannot understand.

The media stir up more trouble than informs these days.  For HOURS on end, talking heads spitting out theories and airing any scrap of information or conjecture just to keep their ratings up.  After a while I stopped listening to the "newscasters" advance their own agenda on those they were interviewing.  Oh for the days of "just the facts"   As news outlets try to "scoop" each other, they flood the "marketplace" with misinformation and in some cases crack-pot theories about what is going on and why.  I have gotten to the point where I don't even trust NPR after listening to one interviewer ask one police specialist if this was caused by "the militarization of police departments"  not once, but TWICE.  As far as I can see, it was caused by two people with some yet un-revealed motive.  To blame the police for this is just irresponsible journalism.

There is also a backlash on those who are posting thoughts of comfort. Sending thoughts and prayers as a means of support has NOTHING to do with legislation.  I don't see why there is such a huge backlash.  Certainly, people are tired of gun violence, BUT mocking someone who is sending a few words of sympathy is wrong.  What  do they want our leaders to say  "I will avenge you?"  We need to look at gun ownership AND extremism in this country.  It is not going to be solved overnight by a meme or a tweet.   I don't think taking guns out of the hands of citizens is the way to go, but I'm not sure what will solve it.  We didn't get this way overnight and we need cooler heads from BOTH sides of the argument to think things through.

So, I pray for those who were injured and for the families of those who were killed.  There is no sense in this.

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