Friday, December 11, 2015

The meaning of Christmas

As the Joni Mitchell song goes "It's coming on Christmas, they're cutting down trees, they're putting up reindeer, singing songs of joy and peace"   but I am having trouble getting my Merry Christmas on.  Given the medical thing I had earlier in the week and the McGroarty fundraiser, I have not had time to do any shopping nor have I decorated my house.   I am planning on doing something this weekend, but I can't find my Christmas music and I really need Nat King Cole.  Last year I found an album by Corrinne May and I need that too.  It's buried in the spare room somewhere and as I am NOT supposed to lift anything over 15 lbs for a few more days, finding it is going to be a challenge.  The room is so full of.... stuff.. I can't ask anyone to help me.  I am pretty sure I know what box it is in, so maybe tomorrow I will feel better and can get in there and find it, otherwise it's Pandora!  

It is NOT Christmas until Nat King Cole sings the Christmas song (aka Chestnuts roasting on an open fire)  I hope to get the energy to do all my shopping and baking this weekend.  A lot of Shopping will be online, I think.  Lazy, but I don't really want to be fighting crowds these days.  What happened to my holiday spirit?  I uses to love shopping!  Now it fills me with a sense of, oh, not dread really more like distaste.  I don't wanna!

When did Christmas change for me?  When did I stop feeling the glow of the season and look at it as another rushing around day?  I am NOT Martha-Freaking-Stewart.  When did the holidays devolve into this?  Why can't I remember that Christmas and the Winter holidays are about remembering love and saying thank you to all those who have been in your life this year.  It should be a time to honor friendships, to celebrate merriment and to reflect on the year's blessings.  Somewhere along the line it became this Thing That Ate Itself, a juggernaut of insanity, a merry-go-round we can't get off.  I am going to TRY to slow my pace, to remember that just being together is the real reason for the season.

and cookies.  There have to be cookies.


  1. While I do really really like your phrase about the Thing that ate Itself, I do find it ironic that right after that you do say there have to be cookies. Ha.
    Well, it is bigger and earlier and ever more every year, and people bitch aboout it, and then buy into it. (Me, too)
    Try to find YOUR Christmas, Robyn. The music (although for me, it's Johnny Mathis, and Burl Ives and YES - Darlene Love! AND a lot of carols!) and not cookies, although would I say no thanks? HA HA! It was fun the other evening to get out all the decorations and find things I'd forgotten, the memories - the year we had to buy all unbreakable ornaments because our cat George kept climbing the tree, The nativity set where one Christmas Eve I was sent to my room in tears for breaking off the left hand of Baby Jesus. Little kitty ornaments of all the cats I've ever had. Christmas can be small, personal things - it should be. Try not to worry - you have the love of your life, the best gift of all! And a child and a grandchild! SO, along with cookies and Mr. Cole, I'd say you are all set!
    P.S. I love online shopping! Even shopping for others!

    1. I love Johnny Mathis too, and Nat King Cole but I grew up with a couple old Firestone Choral Christmas albums. A few years ago I found them online and downloaded them... Merry New Year

    2. And I had never heard that song, but I finally did on Saturday - sung by Idina Menzel - can that be right? I had MANY cookies last night, and the kids on the block (not the new kids!) came caroling (in all the rain!) now that is devotion to the cause. naturally, I fed them, unlike some of the Scrooge neighbors! I have been getting out all my old things, my mother's Christmas things - nice memories.

  2. You never HEARD Nat King Cole sing the Christmas song????? How can THAT be????

  3. Oh, of course I have, silly. Just - some songs resonate with some people, other songs resonate with other people...............


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