Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Trump for ?????

Besides the normal definitions of bridge terminology, the word "trump" means to announce in a bold way, or to get the better of.  I have been watching Donald Trump with a mixture of  revulsion and fascination.  Here are a few things I have been pondering:

Is Donald Trump the new Kim Kardashian? The media seems to follow him around to see what pearls of wisdom drop from his lips everyday.  The more they do, the more he reveals himself as a bully and a braggart with little or no diplomatic skills.  What could he possibly hope to gain by talking about Hillary going to the bathroom.  Excuse me, Donald, but there is a children's book I would like you to read.  It's called "Everyone poops"  I am sure you will be fascinated as that particular biological function is something every creature on this planet does .  Did you follow Ms Clinton  into the restroom? How do you KNOW what she did in there.  Newsflash, sometimes we fix our makeup or make a phone call,  What is your fascination with female body functions?You also made some misogynistic statements to Megyn Kelly about her being somehow impaired, implying that she was bleeding from "somewhere else"  You fail to realize that women are in the majority and we do vote.  I hope Republican women remember that at the polls.

Can I get all conspiracy theory that Steve Harvey's "gaffe" at the Miss Universe Pageant was a deliberate media ploy?  Just how many people actually watched it anyway?  But EVERYONE was talking about it in the morning, weren't they?  I don't feel that sorry for Miss Columbia.  She's made her fortune off this incident.  She will be offered gigs all over the place if she maintains her dignity on this.  I feel sorry for the newly crowned Miss Universe.  Quick  Tell me her name. I see that Trump sold his interest in it earlier this year, but quickly jumped into the social media fray about it.  Anything to make it all about him.

I am watching the race for the President on both sides of the political coin.  I am hoping for a race based on issues and not on personality.  Even Lindsey Graham said that he hoped people would realize that this was NOT a reality show, that it was real life.   I hope the Republican Party realizes that soon and puts a real possible leader with a clear vision of the party's goals up for election.  Or maybe I don't.  Maybe I want the Republican Party to collapse on itself and the Democrats to sweep the country like Nixon in the 72 election.

I've been listening to a compilation of the work of Dr Hunter S. Thompson and wishing he were still here to take another swing at Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail.  He's have had a Field Day with Trump

1 comment:

  1. I was at a Christmas party last evening and inevitably someone brought up Hillary and Trump. MAN - do we really want this man to represent the United States tot he rest of the world? Do we really want him to alienate every other nation by his outrageous name calling and lack of diplomatic skills? Scary, scary, scary.


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