Thursday, December 10, 2015

Donald Trump and the Republican Clown car

It goes without saying ( but I'll say it anyway)  I'm a liberal.  Card Carrying proud as heck union member liberal!  I don't hate the Republican Party and I don't wish ill on any of them- well except maybe Donald Trump but I think if he keeps going the way he is, he will get his.  That man is a train-wreck and I think the media follows him around to see what sort of outrageous thing will fall from his lips today.  I can't BELIEVE that people actually support the nonsense he spouts.  His bigotry knows no bounds.  Hello, Donald?  This is NOT the 1950's.  Women and people of color are actually PART of the mainstream and we HAVE a say in business and politics. You are sadly mistaken if you think otherwise.  I wonder if the "supporters" at his rallies are not paid to be there.  True, there is a section of the American public that is crazy like that but I can't really believe that man will be the nominee for President.  Who would want that blowhard representing this country on the world stage?  I am waiting for a leader with vision to emerge from the Republican pack.  I may be waiting a long time.

I am also sick of people foaming at the mouth about Barrack Obama.  He was and IS a great president.  Get over it.  History will bear me out.

Doesn't matter really.  I am going back and forth between Bernie and Hillary anyway and will vote for one of them, should they become the candidate the Democrats put forth.  But the playing field from the Republican team really scares me.  Have they no one with a sensible vision regarding leadership of this country?  They all seem marginalized to talking point that they feel will get them elected.  There is no great plan from any of them.  I am beginning to wonder if we shouldn't use the English method of electing a party with a platform, rather than a person.  Elections seem to be popularity contests, rather than a sorting out of a clear direction for the future of our nation.  I fear what we will become if extremists like the Donald take office.

1 comment:

  1. Alas, alas, alas, Robyn, what you say is only too true. Last time the only reason the Republicans gave for putting fort Mittens Romney was "he can beat Obama." Not what he might do, or any of his plans, but he could get Obama out. And we see how that went. I can still remember that sea of aged white faces, gobsmacked that he had lost. And his "concession speech," which I am told he had to go and compose at the moment, since he was so sure he would win, was a repetition of how Ann would have been a great first lady. It pains me to think that she actually admits to leaving the Episcopal Church to convert to marry him. Anyway, even he wouldn't have been as terrible as this bunch. It's as if I am watching a bad sitcom. I mean really, Trump is a buffoon. WHAT could he do to us on the world platform? Alienate all of Europe and the Middle East and Latin America? And none of them give a damn about civil rights. Or those less fortunate than themselves. Well, I have said it before - the Republican party is a selfish party - I got mine, to hell with you. No, and thank God, it still isn't the 1950's! My friend Pauline teases me that I would have loved the fashions, but seriously, as a gay man - well, my life would be a LOT LOT different!


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