Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Thanksgiving, Advent and the holiday rush

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.   I joke that i is four days off work, all centered around eating as much as possible, but that's not it.  I love to cook.   Thanksgiving is my "gift" to people who join us for dinner.  I begin working on it mentally a few days before the actual prep work begins.  When it does, it's more like a military campaign than anything else.  I am like a machine in the kitchen.  This year I added Chocolate mousse in cinnamon cups to the usual pumpkin and apple pies.  I made teriyaki chicken as a starter and for one guest who wasn't crazy about turkey ( which he ate as well!)  But Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on my blessings.  A lot of people use the month of November to list something they are thankful for every day and I like to do that but somehow it got away from me this year.  It's December 1, the start of the Advent and I am way behind on everything, so here in no particular order are the things I am thankful for:

Chris-well that goes without saying, but I will say it anyway. If you know me, you know that my husband is my rock and my greatest gift.  His love is my center and I don't think I could not have faced a lot of the challenges presented me without him ( I probably could have but he made me stronger)

Bobby- My little man is such a bundle of joy, he fills my heart when I think about him.

Family- even if we are far apart, we "see"each other on Facebook or in emails and I know we are connected by our hearts

Friends- I am truly blessed with the most amazing group of friends, they are more like extended family than "friends"

Coffee.  No explanation necessary

Work-  I have a job that frustrates me a lot more than it should these days, but I am thankful that I have work that is meaningful and makes a difference, even if it is not splashy or obvious. I am not saving lives or on magazine covers, but I think my work is important as it helps the system do what it does.  I cannot imagine a world without libraries and would not want to live in one that did not have them.

Books.  Again, no explanation needed.

Music.  I love to sing, even if I do have a voice that will sterilize toads at three hundred paces.  I listen to music in my kitchen when I am cooking or when I am driving.  I don't like music at work.  I find it distracting in an office setting.  Not everyone likes or wants to hear the same type of music.  I have a waterfall machine on my desk that seems to help, when my coworkers are listening to their music.  I work in what is becoming a small space and sharing it can be a challenge. We do our  best.

Today begins Advent. I do not have my calendar.  I don't have children so maybe this year I will forego it.  As we enter the holiday season, we are bombarded with the BUY BUY BUY of Christmas.  I am going to try to remember what I believe the holiday season is all about; we become reflective int he last month of the year, we remember the joys and try to thank those who have been a blessing this year.  We try to forgive and shed ourselves of the old wounds as we enter into the hope the new year brings.   I am sick to death of the "buy the perfect gift" commercialism that the Winter holidays- ALL OF THEM- have become.  I will try to remember that giving of myself is the real "reason for the season".

1 comment:

  1. I do remember previous Novembers when you would do a little thank offering every day and I enjoyed those very much - maybe next year?
    AND - as much as I HATE to carp and/or criticize (oh, who am I kidding!) Advent started Sunday, November 29. It was the first SUnday of Advent, they put away those green vestments from all those seemingly endless Sundays after Pentecost, I quit using green cocktail napkins (I may not always make it to church, but my cocktail napkins are always liturgically correct!) and everything purple came out, and we sang "Come Thou Long Expected Jesus" and (I know I am the only one in the world!) Oh, Come, Oh, Come Emmanuel.....too ponderous and heavy for me. I made my little wreath and lit the first of the purple candles. Tried to spend a few minutes thinking about it all. Until the phone rang. But, Robyn, Advent started Sunday - the chocolate calendars start Dec. 1, but not the real season.


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