Monday, February 8, 2016

Weekend update and the week ahead

As usual, I have a lot on my plate and am trying to manage it all.  I keep trying to do less, so yesterday I was a real slug and did almost nothing around here.  If you work like I do all week, the weekend is usually consumed with domestic chores and not much else.  I did get some of the cleaning up done, but the mess monster is overactive here and I still have stuff that is going to bug me until I can get a handle on it.   I  just don't have the energy.

I went to the pulmonologist.   I felt like a freaking hypochondriac as he read - aloud- all the tests I have had in the past year.  Here's why.  I went to my doctor about a year ago , telling her that I was still having trouble breathing .  She had done a test that told her I did NOT have asthma a while ago and had taken me off Qvar, so now she was on the hunt to see what was wrong.  I had heart stress tests, an ultrasound,a cat scan, more blood work than I care to think about and... nothing.  The visit to the emergency room triggered a request FROM ME for a specialist.    Guess what?  I have asthma.  I'm back on the Qvar for now.  I have another ultrasound this morning, as I do have some lung issues, then back to the specialist in six weeks.   Although I am not wild about being on steroids, I figure I will use them until I am under control and talk to my doctor about other options.  I am sure there are some, but the Qvar gets it under control and at least I am not gasping for air all the time.  There is a lot to be said for that.

My next-door neighbor works for ASIFA, who sponsor the Annie awards for animated film.  He invited me to go with him and so on Saturday, I got to go to Royce Hall at UCLA and watch the ceremony.  It was really interesting and I had a good time, hanging out with my friend, Gary.  There were a few unintentionally awkward moments when people assumed our relationship was more than it was; one voice actor stage-whispered to me that he was "a keeper".  I just nodded.  He IS a keeper, just not for me!  I really enjoyed the festivities and now there are a whole bunch of films I need to see. I must admit that I did not see "Inside Out" which was the big winner, I actually only saw one of the nominated films "The Peanuts Movie"  which I liked very much.  The clips made me want to see more- except for  the Leonardo Di Caprio film which won for the CGI bear.  It was too realistic and I don't think I can see that again!  Leo is up for an Oscar for that one.  It was fun to "mingle" with  people who are famous in their craft.  I had no idea who any of them were and we had a long conversation with the lead animator for the Hobbit, mostly talking about how much he loves Los Angeles and the difference between here and New Zealand. "Inside Out" is not on Netflix yet. IS it nominated for an Oscar?  I need to check, but based on how it "ran" the  Annies, I would bet it's a shoe-in to win!

I have a busy week ahead and I am trying to remember to "take small bites"   Stress and asthma have sapped my appetite to the point where I can't even look at food.  Not good and I will do my best to eat something this week, although given my size, it wouldn't hurt me to miss a meal or two!  I am looking ahead to a vacation we have planned in two weeks, which I hope will be relaxing and fun and I can recharge my batteries and figure out what comes next.

1 comment:

  1. As it happens, "Inside Out" is the only nominated movie - yes, it is nominated for an animation Oscar, and will probably win (probably meaning unless there is a wild upset) I saw it because I also sub at the Glendale Library and one of the little branches has projection rights and I happened to work the Wednesday it was shown. I like it very much, but is it real animation? NOT like ye olden tymes of Snow White (which was so real to me, I didn't realize they weren't actual actors - hey, I was only FOUR!) There is a troubling part towards the end, and this little boy said, "Don't be scared, Mister - it has a happy ending!"
    In the meantime, Missy, do everything the doctors tell you, rest as much as possible, and really, truly, deeply, significantly (I can't think of any more words) PLEASE consider what could make your life so much easier! You need to stay around and in good health. CHRIS is a keeper, too - no need to let some other babe latch on to him!


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